A Memory

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Shinomya had his dish judged, and now it was Megumi's turn to serve her dish. In the other kitchen, she came out with a TERRINE, but it had sliced salami and pepperoni on the side for a garnish, paying respect to my heritage, which I appreciate so much.

The terrine had dried baked tomatoes, corn, lettuce, and her all time favorite green, squash. When we served it, they were confused at why she would choose this dish, but when they took a bite, they were enjoying it!

Shinomya was a bit pissed, simply because we copied him, but this is what Megumi grew up eating, you have to respect that.

Kojiro: なぜあなたは私を子供をコピーしますか? 料理が何であるかわかりません。 (Why the hell would you copy me, kid? You have no idea what cooking is.)

Y/N: 私たちはしますが、私を聞いて聞いてください。 あなたはこの料理、シェフを見ますか? あなたはこの料理を見ますか? この料理はあなたのパロディです、そして私はあなたが料理のパロディだと思います。 (We do, but hear me out. You see this dish, chef? You see this dish? This dish is a parody of you, and I think you are a parody of cooking.)

Gotoda: その燃焼に氷が必要ですか? (Need some ice for that burn?)

Kojiro: 黙って! あなた自身のビジネスを心に留めてください (Shut up! Mind your own business, will you?)

After tasting both dishes, it was time to vote. The judges and Erina were given a coin each and two colored plates: red for Kojiro and blue for Megumi and myself.

This was it: it all comes down to this. It was either Megumi and myself getting expelled or staying. I had to close my eyes so I can wait for the final vote.

When I opened my eyes, there were two coins on our PLATE while there were two on Kojiro's! We couldn't believe it. It was a draw!

Gin: And while it is draw, Megumi's status at Totsuki should remain intact!

Megumi was on her knees sobbing uncontrollably. I motioned Erina to help me calm her down and comfort her.

Y/N: Shh. 大丈夫です。 あなたはここに滞在するようになります。 (You're okay. You get to stay here.)

Erina: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Erina: I chose Megumi, not because of you, but because of grit. And the terrine, while it is not that delicious and it really good, I could see why she did not want to be expelled. After all the hard work she put into this dish, she earned my respect.

I heard that and I hugged her as well. She hugged back and I could tell, Kojiro was glaring at us.

Kojiro: あなたは私をからかっていることがあります! それはこの食品戦争の完全な描画になる必要がありましたか ばかげている! (You've got to be kidding me! It had to be a complete draw in this food war?! It's ridiculous!)

I stood up and walked towards him, extending my hand.

Y/N: あなたの名前、シェフは何ですか? (What's your name, chef?)

Kojiro: Kojiro.

As he was about to grasp it, I pulled out at the last second and said,

Y/N: フランスに戻り、あなたの貴重なチョー・ファーシを作ります。 ここから出ましょう。 (Go back to France and make your precious Chou Farcíes. Let's get out of here.)

Megumi, Erina, and myself got out of the annex of the hotel's basement and went upstairs. Megumi offered to go to her friends while Erina wanted to talk to me.

Erina: What the hell is wrong with you!

Y/N: I know, I'm sorry. I had to ask you about judging because you're the proclaimed God Tongue in Japan. Plus you're on the first seat on the Council of the Ten, it would make a lot of sense.

Erina: Well, I cannot stay mad at you, but I want our first date.

Y/N: After the training camp is over. Right now, we'll have to deal with what we have, Erina. Don't worry so much. I promise, the wait will be worth it.

Erina: Okay. You have to go to your roommates. I see you later.

Y/N: Of course.

We hugged and before she lets go, we kissed me and said our goodbyes and we went each other's ways.

When I got to the hotel room, Yuki was mad at me that I ended up with a punch in my jaw! It hurt like hell, but I didn't wanna hit her back.

Yuki: あなたはどこにいました! あなたはメグミのために立ち上がるという評判を危険にさらす! 誰があなたがそうだと思いますか! (Where were you! You risk reputation for standing up for Megumi! Who the hell do you think you are!)

Y/N: 私は奨学金も行っていました。 私たちは両方とも描画しました。 それは公式です:私たちはまだここにいます! (I was putting my scholarship on the line as well. We both won in a draw. It's official: we're still here!)

Everyone celebrated as Yuki was crying her eyes out. It was adorable, but she was right, I've been risking a lot too much. I gotta be careful on what I do.

Also, Yuki is such a Drama Queen. She should just control herself every once in a while.

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