Breading And Creation

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As I went into the classroom, Hinako Inui was my first instructor. She seemed like a really pleasant woman. Good thing I learned Japanese and I can speak it pretty good as it seemed like I was the only non-Japanese student in this school and I couldn't do anything about it.

If this school took place in Brooklyn, it would've been much easier for me, but it didn't matter, I love Japan and its culture, not because of their semi-pornographic cartoons... okay, mostly for their semi-pornographic cartoons.

Inui: さて、私たち全員がここにいるように見えます。 (Okay, looks like we're all here.)

She said as I looked forward to be trying my best.

Inui: この演習では、チームで働くことができます。 あなたはあなたの学期のあなたの最初の講義と同じペアになるでしょう。 それで、あなたのラベル付き駅に向かってください。 (For this exercise, I'd like for you to work in teams. You'll be in the same pair as your first lecture of your semester. So please head to your labelled station.)

In that moment, I was without a partner but I didn't mind. Megumi has Souma and everyone didn't want me as a partner. Hey, fuck them, what do they know about me?

In the corner of my eye, I saw a kid stepping on Souma's foot and smiling about it. Seems like he has a desire to beat him at his own game after the introduction he gave at the open house. If it was, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Kid: I've been hoping to cross paths with you again, buddy, but I thought I'd never get the chance to on our very first challenge! I look forward to crushing you! Just like I crush your shoe!

Megumi seemed very worried so I had to calm her down the best I could.

Inui: さてみんな! (Okay everyone!)

She spoke, interrupting the confrontation before a fight broke out. Jesus, Inui cutting in was really good timing

Inui: 私はここに座っています。 ご理解できないものがあれば、お問い合わせください。 (I will be sitting here the whole time. If there's anything you don't understand, please ask.)

Everyone was confused and I had to speak up.

Y/N: ええと、ミス? あなたは私たちが料理をするのを望んでいるどんな種類の料理の指示をあきらめなかった。 (Uh, Miss? You didn't give out any instructions for what kind of dish you want us to cook.)

Inui: ああ、そうではないと思います。 私はお詫び申し上げます。 あなたの日に私の挑戦はここにシンプルな食材を使って皿を伝統的な日本料理を強調することです。 (Oh, I guess not. I'm sorry young man. My challenge for you to day is to use the simple ingredients here to make a dish emphasizing traditional Japanese cooking.)

We looked over to the table and there was nothing. Another student spoke up so it wouldn't be me again.

Inui: まあ、もちろんあります。 自然の恵みはあなたの処分にあり、豊富なオプションを持つクリアストリームです。 (Well, of course there is. The bounty of nature is at your disposal and a clear stream with a wealth of options.)

I knew what she meant. She wanted us to go out into the private land they have here and use whatever animal they have here. However, if I pass the fence, I fail. So I have to be careful.

Inui: あなたが私の口蓋の皿を作るならば、あなたは渡します。 あなたの食事を完了するのに2時間があります。 今行進してあなたの旅を始めましょう。 (If you make a dish of my palate, you will pass. You have two hours to complete your meal. Now get going and begin your journey.)

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