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I went to the dorm to pack my belongings and before I did any of that, I had to tell the entire dorm that Erina and I were leaving for Brooklyn in a couple days.

Y/N: こんにちは! あなたはちょっとした? 私は発表を得ました。 (Hey guys! You gotta minute? I got an announcement.)

Everyone have their attention to me.

Y/N: 大丈夫、数日で、私はブルックリンに出発します。 (Alright, in a couple days, I'll be leaving for Brooklyn.)

They were all shocked. Yuki in particular was crying her eyes out. What a drama queen.

Yuki: あなたの名前は何に? (What for Y/N?)

Y/N: それは他の発表です:それを信じるかどうか、そうしていない、秋の選択のすべての学生のための入学音楽があるでしょう。 私はすでに私のものを持っています、そして私は戻ってきたときにあなたのすべてと共有します。 (That's the other announcement: believe it or not, for the first time at Totsuki Institute, there will be entrance music for every student in the Fall's Selection. I already have mine and I'll share it with all of you when I get back.)

They were excited when I told them they would get their own entrance music.

Y/N: 私は夏のので、この夜の最初のものの最初のものに向かっています。 (I'll be heading for the airport first thing in this night because it's summer, and I'm allowed to visit my home.)

Soma: 真剣?! (Seriously?!)

Y/N: ええ! 今、私はいくつかのものを詰め容し、空港に向かいました。 (Yeah! Right now, I gotta pack some stuff and head to the airport.)


I waved goodbye to my friends as I rode in a cab to the airport to get to Erina. As I rode, I was wondering what my family will be like when I come back. How will they react to Erina being my cute Japanese girlfriend?

I think they'll welcome her to the family and not see her differently. The best part is that her English is really good, but her accent is slightly thick, which I have no problem helping out.

When I arrived, I saw Erina waiting for me as I got out of the cab and we went onto the plane.

~9 Hours Later~

After a very long flight, we were jet-lagged, but I couldn't wait to see my family. It's been a very long time since I've been to Brooklyn and when we were at the arrival, I saw some people that looked familiar.

?????: Y/N!

I saw my little sister Marie and my Aunt Sarah!

Y/N: Buon pomeriggio, tutti! (Good afternoon, everyone!)

My sister ran up and gave me the biggest hug I've ever gotten. Erina was so happy for me to be home as I wanted to introduce her to my family.

Marie: Who's she?

Y/N: Everyone, this is my girlfriend, the tenth seat of the Ten, Erina Nakiri.

Sarah: Woah! Really?!

Erina: Yes ma'am.

Sarah: I'm so happy to meet you. You two must be exhausted after your flight.

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