Chapter 20 - Lujanne

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Y/n felt a sense of dread as they continued to climb, and the sky continued to darken. They had made a lot of progress and were nearly at the top of the mountain. What scared her was that nothing had happened yet, no illusions or monsters attacking her. She subconsciously walked closer to Aaravos as they continued walking.

A sudden noise brought her out of her thoughts. Aaravos reacted immediately, he quickly wrapped himself around y/n. She scanned the landscape around her, looking for any movement. Aaravos whispered "I believe they cannot see you when I hold you."

Y/n nodded slightly, and they stayed in that position for a moment, before Aaravos let go of her and motioned for her to follow him. As they rounded a corner, a giant leech creature appeared in front of them, screeching loudly at y/n. She froze, unable to move, as the creature slithered towards her and slammed her to the ground, opening its hideous jaws. Every fiber of her being willed her to move, and she just managed to raise her wrist and show the creature the mark.

The creature moved off y/n and let out a faint glow as it shifted and turned into a large, friendly-looking wolf. "I believe Lujanne wants us to ride the wolf, it should take us to her." Aaravos said while taking her hand and pulling her up.

"A-Alright." y/n said, still shaken by what happened just moments before.

Aaravos gently guided her to the wolf and helped her get on. He gently took hold of her waist as the wolf started to gently run. They sat in silence as y/n took deep breaths, slowing her heartbeat. After a few minutes, they caught sight of a beautiful settlement of ruins. Crystal-clear pools were scattered around a main area filled with beautiful moss and stone. The wolf slowed to a stop and Aaravos hopped off, helping y/n.

Y/n saw a woman approaching them as the wolf bounded away into the forest. She seemed much older than her and Aaravos, with silver hair wrapped around her horns. She wore traditional robes in classic Moonshadow elf colors such as cyan and light blue.

"Hello, you must be Aaravos's betrothed." the woman, presumably Lujanne, said.

"I-I'm not his betrothed." y/n said, her face flushed.

Lujanne studied her and asked "May I borrow your caterpillar friend for one moment? I'm afraid that is the only way I could hear the voice of my old friend."

Y/n nodded, and gently took the bug off her ear, feeling strange without it. She handed the bug to Lujanne, who accepted it and set the bug on her pointed ear. She motioned for y/n to wait as she walked a small distance away, y/n saw Aaravos follow Lujanne. She couldn't hear them as they were out of earshot.

*Lujanne and Aaravos POV*

Once they were a little far from y/n, Lujanne turned to where she thought Aaravos was standing and said mischievously "So, she's not your betrothed then?"

Aaravos's face turned bright purple "No, she's not." he said, while hiding his face with one of his hands.

"Tsk that's such a shame, she's right there and yet you haven't done anything? I can tell you're flustered." Lujanne said, glancing at y/n.

"I'm not, I don't have the faintest idea why you would reach that conclusion." Aaravos said, looking towards Lujanne defiantly.

Lujanne burst into laughter and said "Oh Aaravos, did you think you could fool me? I know a Startouched elf can only put that mark on someone if they truly care for them." 

Word Count: 642 

So, how are we feeling? I'm making Lujanne very supportive because I honestly think she canonically if she were friends with Aaravos she would freak out if he got with someone. Anyways, have a good rest of your day/night! :)

- Dawn 

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