Chapter 6 - Soup and Compliments

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Y/n returned home, feeling weary and overwhelmed by all that had happened. She knew Viren wasn't the most trustworthy person, and she honestly felt relieved that she wouldn't have to deal with him for a bit. Although, she was scared he would somehow link her to his crimes or sever the connection between her and Aaravos.

These thoughts swirled around her mind as she arrived home. She opened her door and breathed in the calming scent of lavender that ruminated in her cottage. She set her boots by the door carefully and began to unbutton her uniform when someone cleared their throat.

Y/n froze and felt the bug on her ear. She had forgotten to take it off earlier. Her face decided to cosplay a tomato as she quickly buttoned her uniform back up. She and Aaravos both stayed quiet until y/n broke the silence.

"I forgot you were here- thanks for warning me." Y/n said, feeling a bit of the redness leave her face.

"Of course, I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't stop you. I'm going to give you a minute to finish what you were doing." Aaravos said as the bug crawled down her arm and plopped down on the floor, facing the wall.

Y/n didn't think too much about the comment, but she was sure she would overthink it later. She quickly took off her uniform and threw on some gray pants, a green dress with a matching cloak, and a pair of brown boots. She also wore her satchel around her waist, she likely wouldn't need to wear it, but it comforted her in a strange way.

 She also wore her satchel around her waist, she likely wouldn't need to wear it, but it comforted her in a strange way

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"You can look now Aaravos." She said while fixing her y/c hair.

She saw the bug shuffle around and then it climbed up her leg and proceeded to return to it's normal spot on the back of her right ear. She suppressed a shudder as she didn't want to offend him, he hadn't done anything to make her wary of him, and she didn't want him to think that he did.

"You look beautiful, green is a good color on you." Aaravos said, while the bug sat on her ear.

"T-thanks." She stuttered, apparently Aaravos's goal was to make her face flush constantly.

She stiffly walked to her kitchen; her joints feeling more locked up then Viren right now. Her kitchen was small, but functional. Dried lavender hung from the ceiling in bundles, reminding her of Aaravos's skin. She didn't have much food in her house at the moment, but she had enough to make a soup of some sort.

She grabbed a pot and filled it with water and some leftover chicken stock the palace chef had given her a few days prior. She worked on cutting up vegetables while the water boiled. She started with carrots and potatoes, and then gathered some peas. Once the soup base had boiled, she added the vegetables and threw in some dried meat. Aaravos watched curiosly, and a few minutes later the soup was ready.

Y/n grabbed a portion of the soup and sat down at the table, about to eat a spoonful the soup before she paused, feeling the caterpillar shift on her ear. "Wait... Aaravos you said you share many senses when this bug, right? Can you taste what it eats as well?" Y/n asked, setting the spoon down.

"Well- it's a magical vessel, it isn't alive. But I do share all senses when it, so yes, I can eat through it." Aaravos said.

Y/n used her spoon to take the tiniest bit of potato and some broth, and tentatively held it up to the bug. She heard Aaravos chuckle as the caterpillar leaned forward and sipped the broth from the spoon. "How adorable." Aaravos thought.

"It's delicious, I haven't tasted anything this good in 300 years." Aaravos said.

Y/n blushed and wondered if grand compliments like this would become part of her daily life now.

Word Count: 688

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please let me know if you see any typos!

- Dawn

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