Chapter 2 - The Confrontation

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Y/n gazed at the elf, speechless. She wasn't one to judge how someone looked, but he was by far the most attractive person she had ever seen. A light pink dust covered her cheeks as she and the elf stared at each other for a long time, as they both slowly studied the person facing them. Suddenly the door swung open, and y/n saw Viren standing there fuming.

"What, in the five kingdoms, are you doing here!?!" he shouted.

Y/n stumbled back as Viren approached her and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the door. Y/n yelped and looked to her right as she saw the elf watching with visible concern. Y/n pleaded with her eyes for him to help but he was unable to do anything but watch as Viren dragged her out of the room, slamming the door behind them. Viren whirled around and looked Y/n dead in the eyes.

"I'll ask you again. What. Were. You. Doing?" Viren said slowly, in a threatening drawl.

"I- I was just-" she stuttered.

"You directly disobeyed my orders; how did you even get in there in the first place!? Just leave, go now. If you so much as look at that door again I will remove you from your position." Viren snarled as he blocked the door.

Y/n didn't respond and just ran up the stairs, trying to get away from Lord Viren as soon as possible. Not even bothering to grab the laundry basket or say goodbye to the guards at the gate, she ran home to her cottage in the woods. She didn't stop until she saw the familiar thatched roof and the lattice fences covered in ivy. She paused at the door to catch her breath and opened the door.

After changing out of her uniform, she strung her satchel around her waist, tied her hair up, and set out to forage for ingredients as she usually does in the evenings. The cool evening air brushed her face as she walked through the woods surrounding her house, the setting sun was just above the trees, the dappled light was soothing as it calmed her racing heart.

She walked through the familiar paths of the woods and paused by the river to collect bark berries, which were dreadful when eaten raw, but delicious when made into jam. She made her way down a hill covered in mossy roots towards the river. She swiftly climbed a tree overlooking the river and sighed as she went over the day's events in her mind.

"Why was Viren so upset? Why was that mirror there? Who was that elf in the mirror, and how do I see him again?" These thoughts swirled through her mind as she watched the sun dip below the horizon.

Word Count: 476

Please let me know if you see any typos! Thanks!

- Dawn <3

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