Love [FLUFF]

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He did it. Crowley finally confessed his love for the angel.

They had been at the Ritz after averting Armogeddon, sipping on white wine. Laughing and talking, Aziraphale had paused with a pondering look on his face. He sat his hand on his chest, and Crowley became worried.

"Angel... you alright?"

"I feel love," he breathlessly states, blue eyes wide. He began glancing around at all the people eating and having their own conversations; "an overwhelming amount of it at that."

Crowley began to blush hard. He cleared his throat; "I wonder where it's coming from," he mutters, bringing the glass up to his lips.

His heart was racing. Had he noticed? If he did, was the feeling mutual? After quick thinking, with a feeling of unkown dread, the demon made a very bold decision. He just hoped it was the right one. Aziraphale slowly looks over at Crowley, who is staring out in front of him with a pondering look on his face.

It's coming from him, the angel thought, but whom could he love so fiercely -

It all clicked. He suddenly thought back to when they were driving through the backroads of Tadfield, looking for the church;

Love... flashes of love...

Don't be ridiculous!

He had felt that same love that night. It wasn't as strong, and it was coming from all around Aziraphale. Now, it was coming directly from the demon sitting next to him.

The demon loved him.

Thinking back, he wasn't surprised. Throughout the entirety of armogeddon - even before that - Crowley always had an excuse to be close to the angel. Even did things for him that a normal demon would never do; not that Crowley was a normal demon. For six thousand years, he had been pining over the angel, and he didn't even notice. But, truth be told, Aziraphale loved Crowley back.

"Come up with something! Or... I'll never never talk to you again..."

    A pang of guilt hit Aziraphale.
For six thousand years, Crowley had been showing nothing but love, and Aziraphale gave the demon nothing but heartache in return.

"We're hereditary enemies..."

"I don't even like you..."

There is no 'our side', Crowley!"

He was brought out of his thoughts by Crowley's voice.

"Aziraphale..." Crowley had turned to face the Principality. Glancing over, Aziraphale saw the look in his eyes behind his shades; Love.


"Angel..." he inched forward, their noses almost touching; "I love you."

Flushing pink, Aziraphale smiled warmly.

"I love you, Crowley."

Ineffably Loved; Good Omens Oneshots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz