Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey... Stuff [ANGST]

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    After the non-apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley spent more time together. Heaven and Hell were off their backs, and with the stunt they pulled, they were sure to never hear from their respective sides again. They sat enjoying time together in the bookshop, when a weird, pulsating, vibrating sound from outside reached Crowley's ears.

"Angel, do you hear that?"

Aziraphale looked up from the book he was reading to listen. They both look at each other and rush outside.

    The angel and demon burst through the door to witness the strange blue police box materialize in front of them. After a moment of silence, a door opens and a tall man with messy brown hair and dark chocolate eyes dressed in a blue suit, red converse and a long tan trench coat, steps out, examining the sky.

"Well, here we are, then," He jeers.

He gives a smile and his gaze turns to the two very confused beings. To Aziraphale, his voice was very familiar- actually, EVERYTHING about him was familiar.

"Doctor," A female voice calls from inside the box.

    A redhead woman makes an appearance at the entrance, and when her eyes fall on the demon, her eyes go wide. She rushes to the man's side, never taking her eyes off of the opposing redhead.

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here," Crowley hisses.

That's when Aziraphale was hit with realization. The redhead girl must have read the angel's thought because she proceeded to ask in a very British accent -

"Doctor, why does he sound like you?"

    The man's grin faltered. His dark eyes scanned Crowley as he took a step towards him, and Crowley scowled.

Doctor? But he hardly LOOKS like a doctor, Aziraphale thought.

"Take the glasses off," The man stated.

"Fuck off," Crowley seethed. The man reached inside his coat and pulled out a device, which he pointed at Crowley for a threat.

"Do it," He ordered. Aziraphales mouth was agape, the woman muttered something, and Crowley laughed.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm the Doctor," he announced, teeth showing, "and you will do as I say - Take. Them. Off."

    Crowley reluctantly pulls them off exposing his serpant - like quality, causing the red head lady to gasp. The man slowly lowers the device, staring at his ginger, tanner, snake-eyed doppelganger with a stone faced expression. The demon's eyes go wide, now noticing the similarities. The man breaks out in a very wide grin, turns to the redhead woman and cries,

"Donna, I'm GINGER!"

Crowley's heart skips a beat. Donna? Why did that name sound familiar? He put his glasses back on to hide his surprised expression as the woman rolled her eyes.

    Aziraphale sheepishly stepped forward and cleared his throat.
"Umm..." he began, "Hello, Doctor, sir, but I'm afraid that you didn't answer my friend's question - what business do you have in Soho, London?"

The Doctor gave a sideways glance up and gave a little head movement as he said, "Well, that's the problem: I don't know. The TARDIS brought us here with little information." He turned his attention to the blue box.

"I'm sorry," the Angel began carefully, "what brought you here?"

    The Doctor turned away from the box, gave a confused look, then gasped in realization. "Oh! The TARDIS, that stands for Ti-" he was cut off by a quiet, mumbled voice.

"Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Yeah, I know." Everyone gave Crowley a shocked expression when they heard the voice come from him.

"Crowley..." Aziraphale gently stated, "how did you know?"

    Everyone stared at him, waiting for an answer. Donna looked around, becoming flustered and even more confused by the minute. She placed her hands on her hips in a very Donna-like manner.

"Doctor, what is going on? First, snake-eyes here bears an uncanny resemblance to you," she jerks a thumb at Crowley, who makes a face at her, "then, he knows what TARDIS stands for."

"Donna Noble," Crowley states, his memories coming back to him, "I remember."

    Donna's jaw dropped, and after a few moments of silence, the Doctor turned to Donna. He brought up and wiggled his right hand.

"Do you remember the hand?"

It took Donna not even a fourth of a second to catch on. She gasps hard and cries, "No, it can't be!"

"Oh, yes," The Doctor responds, facing Crowley once more, "My part human, part Time Lord, metacrisis - now demon - clone."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My dad sent the picture to me😂

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