Copycat Gets A Call.

Start from the beginning

She felt like different people sharing a body and she'd seen them grow from behind a window, a silent viewer unable to steer the wheel. Unable to hold onto the things she loved the most. And yet, Kate, Harley, and Kurt would come back in a heartbeat if she asked... and Peter kept his word and stayed in every moment of need. Maybe it was time she allowed herself to be everything instead of just one at a time.

Wanda had said there was always a new path sprouting from every step, and she had the power to decide in which direction to step next. What if she could somehow make a single path out of all the roads?

M.O.U.S.E started flashing, Cat gave a start.

"Who's calling?" She asked out loud.

"Princess Shuri."

"What?" Cat left her chair. "That's convenient..."

"You have the princess of Wakanda in your contacts list?" Matt asked in surprise.

"Yeah, she made my old suit, I told you..." Cat didn't finish her sentence. Matthew didn't remember that conversation because it was linked to a memory of Peter. "We're old friends."

Cat picked her A.I. from the coffee table and answered the call. "Hi! This is so weird, I was actually going to call—"

"I have a job for you," Shuri went straight to business. "And I need you here as soon as possible."

"Oh," Cat smiled. "Sure!"


"I don't think this is a good idea."

"It's a great idea," she said, gathering her stuff hurriedly. "I get a new suit, I help out Shuri so I don't have to pay for it, and then I can go after Kraven."

"What if Kraven finds you before Shuri gives you the suit?"

"I know he's a tough guy but I doubt he can enter Wakanda without being seen, that's just absurd."


"Trust me on this one, please?" Cat begged him. "This is not a suicidal mission, which is a positive change in my record. I'm helping Shuri find some kid."

Matt's hands were on his hips, just like any time when he was stressed. "What should I tell Spider-man? That you just got up and left like you always do?"

"Tell him I got a way to jumpstart the plan, he'll be ecstatic," she said. "Keep the city safe for me, okay? I'll be back soon."

The man shook his head, unconvinced by the whole situation. "You always have a way to complicate things, I don't feel okay about this."

"Matthew," she turned around and cupped his face. "You're paranoid. I'm a grown woman, I can handle myself just fine— and if I die on accident, well, that's just one less problem you won't have to worry about!" Matt's glare made her stop her teasing. "I'm joking."

"Try to keep me informed, okay?"

"I'll do my best."


"It may not look like much, but it's my life's work in here," said a girl's voice.

"Oh, I believe you," Cat entered the workshop smiling at her surroundings. "It was a place like this that took my best friend right up to Stark Industries..." 

Okoye stared at her with a little frown. "Why did you call the heathen?"

"We needed all the help we could get," Shuri said. "Cat counts for at least five people."

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