22. Finally

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Loki's POV:

Mother quickly ushered a few guards in to help her move Odin to his own chambers. She turned to me and smiled softly before leaving and closing the door. Finally, I would have a chance to be alone with my love.

I returned my gaze to Ash and could barely hide my awe at her beauty. Her scales shimmered in the sunlight taking my breath away. I could not resist reaching out to touch her hand.

My heart broke when she flinched away from me. I looked into her eyes and saw that they were brimming with tears. 

She again tried to hide away in her wing cocoon but I was faster. "Please Loki, let me go. I know I am a monster, you deserve so much better. I am so sorry," she quietly said before dissolving into tears.

"Ash, my darling dragon, you are the furthest thing from a monster," I said softly. I gently grabbed her chin and encouraged her to look at me. "You are the most beautiful woman in the nine realms and I love you just as much as I did when we woke this morning."

I dropped my Asgardian illusion to showcase my Jotun form. "I used to believe I was a monster too, but you proved me wrong. Allow me to do the same for you, my Goddess."

She leapt into my arms and held me close as she sobbed and I rubbed her back reassuringly. I was surprised when I felt myself being pulled closer. That was when I noticed that her wings had wrapped around us both.

It was as if we were the only two people in the world at that moment. I began to purr at the feeling of calm and safety. When I felt that she was purring too I was thrilled.

A low trill rose from my throat which she returned in kind. I had never known this type of affection before and I would never let it go.

We stayed huddled together on the floor for a long time until Ash needed to stretch her wings. I slowly helped her stand before leading her from my chambers.

As we walked through the halls of the palace I could hear gasps of shock and awe. But I kept my head held high, I would be brave and provide comfort to my love.

Once we reached the gardens I let go of her hand. She looked back at me unsure but I would not let her shy away. "Take to the sky my love, it's in your blood, you are finally free."

She gave me a small smile and began to run as fast as she could. Once she had picked up enough speed she leapt onto a bench, pushed off hard and with a mighty flap of her wings she lifted from the ground.

The second she was off the ground she flew higher and picked up speed. I watched as she soared through the sky. I could see her bright smile even from this distance as she flew for the first time in her life.

It surprised me to see that she was heading back so quickly. When she got close she reached her hand down to me. Before thinking about what her plan was I reached up to her.

The second my hand clasped hers I was pulled from the ground. Though I was not a fan of heights, having been dropped one too many times by Thor, I did my best not to panic.

She pulled me close and wrapped her arms around my waist so that I was facing the ground. Once I found the courage to open my eyes I could not deny that the view was incredible.

My darling dragon kissed my neck before whispering "I didn't want you to miss this." I could not help but smile at her thoughtfulness.

I decided to be brave and spread my arms out as if they were wings. The feeling of the wind rushing past me was indescribable. It was a moment I knew that I would never forget.

After Ash had finally had enough she slowed down and headed to my balcony. Unfortunately, she did not slow quite enough and we crash-landed, but she protected us both with her wings.

We both lay there in fits of giggles wrapped up in her wings. "Well, I guess I need to work on my landing skills," she laughed.

"That was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced, thank you for sharing the skies with me my love."

She leaned in and kissed me gently before snuggling into my chest. The air was cool but her wings kept us warm as we took a nap on the balcony.

As the day went on I knew that there was something I needed to discuss with Ash. "Darling, I know this morning was a big change, so I wanted to ask you again. Would you do me the honour of going on an outing with me, a date as the Midgardians call it."

I held my breath as I waited for her response. She kissed me softly before saying, "my answer remains the same my prince, it would be my pleasure."

At that moment, I knew that she was to be mine forever. "I love you Ash".

"I love you too Loki".

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