11. Freedom

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Ash's POV:

The days that followed Loki telling me more about his past torment were some of the best I have ever experienced. It seemed as though he took comfort in caring for me. I had never really experienced this type of love and kindness before so it took some getting used to.

I would wake up to him kissing my forehead and spend a lot of my day in constant contact. From carrying me on his hip to feeding me by hand at meals.

I loved every second of the attention I received and began to get used to this new routine. Every injury I had received was healed and I no longer looked like a walking skeleton. It was the best that I had ever felt.

That was until Arvid and Garth showed up once again. Loki was instantly on his feet in front of me acting as a shield. "You will not take her again" he growled.

I peeked around him to see what was happening and my heart dropped when I saw the guards smirking. "Oh don't worry about your precious pet, we are here for you".

I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him back into me whimpering pathetically. I heard Loki try to comfort me and convince me to let go, but he was quickly silenced when Garth placed a muzzle over his mouth.

I continued to cling to him as I heard the guards attach chains to his neck and ankles in addition to his wrists. I felt Arvid try to pry my arms off Loki but I just held on tighter. I couldn't let him go, he might get hurt.

That was until I felt a sharp pain in my head and my vision went white. I fell to the ground in pain unable to get up. I could hear chains rattling violently and muffled shouts, but I couldn't get myself back off the floor until Loki had been dragged halfway down the hall.

I flew into a panic and didn't know what to do. I was trapped in this cell while he was being subjected to who knows what. That was when I thought of Frigga.

Loki told me once that they both have telepathy which is how they are able to communicate when she is not here in physical form. Taking a chance I sat on the ground and began to meditate.

I did my best to completely clear my mind and focus completely on Frigga. I hoped that this would make my thoughts loud enough for her to hear.

After some time had passed I was close to giving up when I heard her beautiful voice. "It is quite impressive that you used that trick to summon me, did Loki teach you?" She asked gently.

I swiftly dropped into a deep curtsy. "N..no your majesty. I ap..apologies for calling you. The guards took him, pl..please save him" you begged and began to cry.

"Oh, you poor child" you heard Frigga softly soothe. She dropped the barrier and stepped into your cell and pulled you into her arms. "You must have been worried sick, he is completely fine I promise you, I just came from the meeting he is in".

My tears began to slow and I felt as if I could breathe again. "He's safe? Will he be b..back soon, I miss him". I said between sniffles.

"I am sorry child, but he will not be back. He has proven that he's changed by taking care of you. That means that he is free from these dungeons" she told you softly.

For a moment I smiled so wide that my face hurt, I was so happy that he had been freed. But then reality came crashing down and I realised that I was alone now and would be for the rest of my life.

You carefully pulled yourself from Frigga's grasp and turned to her. "Thank you for answering my call, please send my best wishes to Loki," I said with a false smile.

Frigga looked at you sadly and nodded. "If you ever need anything you can call me dear". I just dipped my head in acceptance knowing that I would never call her for myself.

Once Frigga was safely out of earshot I fell to my knees sobbing. I had felt so much pain in my short life, but this was the worst. No mark marred my skin but my heart ached so much that I hoped it would stop beating.

I cried on the floor until I ran out of tears. Hours had passed and the dungeon had dimmed the lights. I slowly pulled myself off the ground and slowly walked to the bed.

I curled up on my side and clutched Loki's pillow close to my chest. I breathed in his scent knowing that soon even that will be gone from my cell and with it any shred of happiness I had left.

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