Ritsuka 10 Challenge

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(This challenge was inspired by a Reddit post user named u/Cykuno and I find it creative)

When Ritsuka was 10 years old, he went on a camping trip with his Grandpa Max, who was a retired member of an intergalactic space police force called the Plumbers but back onto Ritsuka, when he was walking around the woods trying to get some campfire he spotted a shooting star but then that Shooting star would come towards him and blows him away when it crashed, he looked at it and found a space pod and when it opened, it revealed a strange "Watch" and when he got closer, it latched itself at his wrist and Ritsuka freaked out and left the field screaming not knowing that inside the pod a certain key was in it but Ritsuka wouldn't find that key until months (or years) later.

Ritsuka tried to get the "watch" off him but it wouldn't budge but then he gave up and touched a button right of the "watch" and the watches centre popped up and when Ritsuka turned the watch and it revealed silhouette and Ritsuka then pressed down his finger onto the the watch and it transformed him into a pyronite

Ritsuka tried to get the "watch" off him but it wouldn't budge but then he gave up and touched a button right of the "watch" and the watches centre popped up and when Ritsuka turned the watch and it revealed silhouette and Ritsuka then pressed dow...

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(Art not done by me it was done by Oswelt on devianart)

Ritsuka (obviously when your entire human body transforms into a freaking Fire-rock alien) freaked out of what he became but after like 3 seconds of screaming "I'm on fire! I'm on FIRE!!!!!!" Until he realises that he is on fire and made a crappy fire pun, he decided to take his new "body" to the test and accidentally made a forest fire because 10 year old Kids are flipping dumbassess.
Grandpa Max catches wind of the forest fire and worry's for his grandson's safety so he grabs a fire extinguisher and heads out into the forest and sees the flaming rock alien and blasts him with the fire extinguisher and asked him what did he do to his grandson but The heat alien said that he is his grandson and Max was surprised by this but they had to get rid of the fire first which Ritsuka did by um (yeah I forgot how they managed to get rid of the fire so I'm just going to imagine that Ritsuka absorbed the Fire since that's one of Heatblast's abilities).

After that fiasco, Ritsuka made campfire for marshmallows and explains what had happened before he got here and explains that he could not find a way to transform and freaks out thinking that he would be stuck as a monster for the rest of his life Grandpa Max then proceeds to tell him that he is not a monster but is an alien) until the watches symbol beeped red and turns Ritsuka back to human form and he looks at the Watch with curiosity.

6 years later

Ritsuka found himself trapped in the middle, surrounded by Goetia's men while all of his servants he came with are busy fighting of the rest of Goetia's minions leaving Ritsuka alone which was Goetia's plan.

One of Goetia's man said: "What will you do now mr humanity's last hope?"
Ritsuka smirked and pulled his jacket revealing a green and white watch underneath but not only that but there is also a small green blob looking creature on that watch

One of Goetia's man said: "What will you do now mr humanity's last hope?"Ritsuka smirked and pulled his jacket revealing a green and white watch underneath but not only that but there is also a small green blob looking creature on that watch

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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