Chapter 11

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Nova was drinking a green smoothie that Sportacus had made her and he laughed as they bickered amongst themselves. His chest beeped again and he stood up,

"Someone's in trouble!" He said.

Nova took one last sip of her smoothie and got up too, "Do you have to say that every time?" She asked genuinely.

Sportacus looked at her dissaprovingly, "You stay here, I'll be right back." He said holding her hands momentarily and then lept towards the person needing saving.

Nova didn't want to just sit and wait however and followed behind. It was quite a ways way from town until Nova saw what the trouble was.

"Helpp!" A woman whined from the branch of a tree.

She held her butt up high as she had both her arms wrapped around the branch. Nova thought there was something off about the whole thing and hid behind a bush to observe.

"It's okay! Just slide off and I'll catch you!" Sportacus called holding out his arms.

"Okay mister muscle man!" The woman squeeked provocatively and shimmied off of the branch until she screamed falling and then was caught in the strong arms of Sportacus.

"Oh thank you so much, you're my hero!" She cooed, nuzzling her head on Sportacus' neck and he smiled uncomfortably.

Nova looked closer at the woman and her jaw fell to the floor. Long straight black hair, heavily contoured face, large glossy black lips and fake eyelashes longer than her fake nails.

"VENUS?" Nova yelled shocked walking out from behind some bushes she was hiding behind.

"Oh my gawd, Novina! How's my lil sista?" She squealed, her whole act was fake and Nova knew it. "Are you the one who threw that rock at my door?" Nova growled angrily.

Venus shrugged innocently, "I do like to make an entrance." she giggled and then clutched at Sportacus' arm.

"I owe you lunch mister!" Venus said batting her eyelashes.

Sportacus cleared his throat and pulled his arm away from Venus as discreetly as he could,

"No that's okay, I was just doing my job" He smiled backing away.

Venus whined sulking, "Is there nothing i can do for you?" She asked puffing her chest out.

Sportacus stammered trying to think of an excuse when his chest began to beep and he let out a sigh of relief and flipped away,

"Sorry, duty calls, I'll see you later at the ball?" He said asking Nova and she nodded shyly, so Sportacus was coming, she thought excited.

"I'll be there!" Venus squealed thinking Sportacus was talking to her and Nova rolled her eyes.

Sportacus ran away and Venus' damsel act immediately vanished.

"Why are you here?" Nova asked angrily.

"Same reason you're here, I'm hiding." She shrugged.

"Funny story, now why are you really here?" Nova asked unconvinced.

Venus looked hurt and gasped, "It's true im hiding! Geez i thought my sister of all people would support me." She said putting on a sad face. "Even daddy turned against me" She sniffled.

Nova didn't believe a word but she still felt bad, maybe she should give her sister a chance? Her conscience said and she groaned tiredly.

"Sorry, do you have a place to stay? I can probably let you sleep on the sofa." Nova said.

"No need! I'm stayin' at Robbies liar!" She pepped walking away.

"It's lair!" Nova yelled.

"Mmm no im pretty sure it's Liar!" Venus shook her head already in her own world.

Nova grumbled angrily and kicked at the ground.

How did she know Robbie was here? She thought but shook her head, "I do not have to deal with this right now." She said to herself and walked home to get ready for the ball.

Epilogue (LazyTown)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora