Chapter 8

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Nova waited until it was night time in her living room. She had put on a sports vest and booty shorts overtop some short leggings and ate a chicken caesar salad for dinner when she heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" She said chipperly expecting it to be sportacus.

She opened the door and was shocked to see Robbie at the door. "Hello wife." Robbie smiled inviting himself in.

"I like what you've done with the place." He said.

"What do you want, Robbie?" Nova asked unamused.

Robbie shrugged innocently, "what? can't a husband come and see how his wife is doing? Is that so evil?" He asked devilishly and Nova facepalmed.

"Answer the question, flaker." She demanded with crossed arms.

"I want to make amends." Robbie said dropping his villain act.

Nova tapped her foot on the ground, "Alright, go on then." She said.

Robbie swallowed uncomfortable and pulled at his turtleneck collar. "I know we are getting divorced but what if we don't? What if we work through our issues?" He asked and Nova scoffed appalled.

"There's nothing to work on, we married not out of love but to unite our families but you couldn't even do that right. There's nothing left for us here. Not even our friendship." Nova said looking away.

Robbie looked hurt but he knew there was no swaying Nova right now.

"Fine. We'll get divorced." He sulked.

"About that.." Nova realised. "Closest town is 5 hours away, and the bus to get there wont be back for a month." She explained.

Something clicked in Robbies brain and his face lit up, "Well then I guess we will just have to keep pretending until the month is up!" He said.

Nova rolled her eyes, "You are unbelievable." She said.

"Unbelievable how?" Robbie asked.

"Do you gain some sick pleasure seeing me suffer? Is that why you left all those years ago? Did it put a swing in your step?" She interrogated him getting in his personal space.

"What? No of course not!" he stuttered shocked.

"Then why!? Why did you put me through that!? Why did you leave!?" Nova asked tearing up and broiling with anger and grief.

Robbie clutched his head overwhelmed and finally burst, "Because i couldn't bae to be married to you when you didn't love me back!" He yelled. He looked away ashamed and bit his lip.

"Are you kidding me?" Nova said after 10 seconds of silence.

Robbie looked at her surprised, his eyes glossy.

"You caused all of this grief because of what, unrequited love? Were you that immature?" She hissed. "You know what, i can't deal with this right now. I'm suppose to be meeting up with Sportacus." She shook her head and shakily grabbed her jacket and keys.

"I think it's time you leave." She said and then ran off into the night.

A tear rolled down Robbies cheek and he took out a box opening it, it was a necklace for Nova.

"Sportacus.." He mumbled to himself and his sadness turned to anger.

"I think i know just how to deal with him." He smirked evilly and flipped open his phone and started to dial.

"Hello? It's Robbie. When can you get to Iceland?"

Epilogue (LazyTown)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora