Chapter 5

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"Where's Nova?" Stephanie asked impatiently.

"She'll be here soon don't worry." Sportacus said.

"Who even is this, Nova, Sparks?" Stingy asked bored.

"She's our cool new neighbour who Sportacus totally has a crush on!" Stephanie giggled and Sportacus shushed her embarrassed.

"Stephanie! That is not true and is totally inappropriate" He frowned and she apologised half-heartedly.

"Shh she's coming!" ziggy said looking at the window.

"This isn't a surprise party Ziggy you don't have to whisper." Pixel snickered.

"But it's fun to whisper!" Ziggy pouted.

"You two shush!" trixie hissed.

Nova walked into the town hall where the party was and smiled surprised.

"Welcome to lazytown!" everyone cheered but fell quiet when Robbie came through the door and rested his arms around Novas torso lovingly.

"Isn't this just wonderful?" He smiled evily.

"Robbie?" The mayor said confused.

"Come on lovely wife, lets go to the snack table!" Robbie said leading her away.

The kids all looked to Sportacus for answers and he smiled uncomfortably.

"She's married?" Trxie said surprised.

"To robbie??" Ziggy said with his jaw dropped.

"Yes now stop staring like somebody died!" Sportacus frowned. "Let's put on some music!" He said. "What music do you like?" He asked Nova.

She looked back form the snack table with a toothpick of pineapple. "Umm... have you got anything classical?" She asked.

"Classical, i like it!" he smiled.

He too was a fan of the classics and took out a cd of the best songs from all of the classic artists over the years.

"Thank you Sportaflop this party is just great, now where's the cake?" Robbie asked.

"We didn't make a cake." He replied honestly.

"What?" Robbie was shocked.

"We have sports candy instead." He said, crossing his arms stoically.

"But, it's a party? What kind of party doesn't have cake?" Robbie asked disgusted.

"Robbie it's okay, i like um, sportscandy?" Nova said stalling at the name for fruit. She looked at Sportacus as if to say, really? Sports candy? And he smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"This is ridiculous. I need some sugar. I'll be right back." He said and left the party.

Nova retreated to a corner looking upset and Sportacus couldn't bare to see her like this.

"Nova," He greeted walking over to her.

"Sportacus..." Nova smiled seeing a familiar face.

"Parties not your thing?" He asked leaning on the wall with his forearm. Nova glanced at his muscler form again and caught herself zoning out and quickly snapped back to reality.

"I'm having a good time, honest!" She replied quickly. "I'm just not good with strangers.. Or children.." She chuckled seeing that the party was mainly kids.

"Small town, what can ya do" Sportacus shrugged chuckling back. "So, classics fan, huh? What else do you like?" He asked and Nova appreciated his interest.

"I like to play piano, actually. I used to be pretty good at it until i had to leave my family home some time ago." She remanissed.

"Really? How come you had to leave?" He asked.

"It's a long story.. You probably wouldn't want to hear about it.. Everyone has their family issues." She smirked sadly.

Sportacus could tell she wasn't open to discussing it here and moved on, "I hear you, my family are a whole cluster of weird. I'd love to hear about it some time, but how about we dance? Loosen up a little, huh?" He offered and Nova grinned,

"Sure." She said.

Sportacus went to the middle of the room and started jumping to the music, this man could be a ballet dancer if he wanted, Nova thought watching him go.

Nova's feet felt like they had a mind of their own as they led her to the floor and began dancing too. She laughed relieved of the stress that was holding her back and moved to the music feeling every note in her soul. Sportacus was in awe at her grace and continued to dance trying to match her tempo. The whole party had stopped to watch and were at awe at their coordination, and their charisma. "I thought she was married.." Bessie whispered in the mayor's ear disapprovingly. More whispering emerged from the crowd and Nova heard it all, as did Sportcaus and they both backed away awkwardly. Nova cleared her throat and hid her face in her dark hair again.

"You have nice moves." She commented trying to be friendly.

"Thanks, um, so do you!" Sportacus replied.

"What did I miss?" Robbie asked, coming through the door with a cake.

Not waiting for an answer, he spotted Nova and smiled, "ah there you are sweetie, I got cake!" He cheered and Nova looked around at the crowd that were still glancing at her disapprovingly and she tried to hide her sadness.

"Thank you.." nova smiled at her husband and accepted a slice from him and started to eat it.

"Now how about we open your presents?" Robbie suggested excitedly.

"Yea, sounds good.." she said following Robbie to the gift table, she felt someone was still looking at her and turned her head to see Sportacus, he looked upset. She smiled at him meekly and he waved before leaving the party.

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