Chapter 4

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"You!?" Nova yelled.

"Novina!?" Robbie yelled back.

"What are you doing here!?" Nova asked shocked.

"I could ask you the same thing!" The villain responded. He looked around and waved her down.

"Come in before we cause a scene!" He said.

Nova looked around confused as there was no one around but came down the ladder anyway.

"I never thought i would see your sorry face again after that stunt you pulled!" Nova frowned angrily.

"Well that's because i picked a good hiding place!" Robbie sneered.

"This was meant to be my hiding place.." Nova whined distraught. "Ever since you left, your family and mine have been after my behind! They think i killed you!" Nova pointed.

"What?" Robbie said shocked.

"Why did you have to run away!? We got married to bring our family freud to an end and then you run away the day after the wedding? Do you know how much trouble you put me in!?" Nova yelled, her ocean blue eyes weld up with tears but she blinked it all away.

"Novina I- I didn't mean for you to get hurt by all this..." He replied.

"Well i did, I've been on the run ever since. They always find me.. I was hoping this town would be different, but i guess its your town so I'll go elsewhere.." She hid her face and began to walk away but Robbie placed a large hand on her arm, "Novina wait-" He said.

Nova stopped and looked up at him sadly, "It's Nova now, not like you would know." She scowled.

"You are still my wife, we have to talk about this." He said.

"Some husband you've been, huh?" She replied coldly.

"We can try and make it work this time" Robbie said.

"Why? The only reason we married was to unite our families and they're not here anymore. We never loved each other." Nova said.

"Do you really want to cause a scandal on your first day here?" Robbie frowned. "We can go to the mayor right now and sign the divorce papers if you want, but don't say i didnt warn you when the whole town hears about it. Doesn't seem like a good first impression, does it?" He said.

Nova held her arms close to her chest and grimaced, he was right. Attention is not what this woman needs right now, not when there's two big crime families after her.

"Fine. I'll be your wife. For now. But once i find a neighbouring town with a divorce cought i am divorcing you no hesitation!" She growled.

"I'll be there." Robbie replied snootily. 

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