She then saw a canine with a reflective orange harness and a man with a cane.

"Why is that man waving that cane around like that?" Albedo said "It's like he lacks vision."

"He does lack vision." Gwen said pointing to the dogs harness.

Albedo squinted and saw 'Seeing Eye Dog'.

"Wait can Humans project others vision to their minds to see?!" Albedo asked.

"No that dog is just trained to act as a blind person's eyes." Ben said "This is actually a story I remember hearing of how they first started. A blind wealthy man had payed people to act as his eyes and they often left him stranded or walked away even leaving him in the middle of a busy street. So he heard about this man training dogs to see for people. He then funded making sure the world knew about this and to prove it worked had walked across a busy highway guided by his seeing eye dog."

Albedo was interested in this story. Often in the universe if your species hadn't discovered augmentations, genetic Manipulation or other means to correct eyesight they'd just let them die. Unless you were vulpimancers or darkness dwelling by nature lose of sight was death.

The fact Humans had no physical advantages compared to the universe was intriguing now that she wasn't constantly cursing them for her current form.

"You know the more I experience being human the more I see a lot of parallels to Galvens." Albedo said "The creativity is baffling. It's...actually impressive."

"Wait till you see the future. There's this guy making a Neural Implant in a few years." Ben said "Using exclusively earth build tech."

Albedo eyes widened "That...Humans are a level 2 tech tier civilization. A Neural Implant would push the species far."

"Yeah we're also working on Chrisper that basically does what the Omnitrix does on a lower scale." Ben said.

"Shut the fuck up." Albedo said "You lie!"

Ben pulled out his phone and typed 'Chrisper.'

Albedo read it and realized Humans were not as technological back water as she thought.

She was seeing a young civilization working on things species would focus exclusively on a single thing. If the humans got into space they could legally use external tech and...

Albedo realized Humans were universalists and that's why they hadn't left planet yet. They were working towards it. Along with 'Everything else!'

"Well I see why humans aren't populating the galaxy yet." Albedo said "You are just working on your tech before entering the galactic level."

"It's called 'Playing Tall'." Ben grinned "There's a saying in the Plumbers, 'The second the humans enter the stars we're gonna fuck the universe.'. Our genome is so universal we create viable offspring with any species and our sexual preferences are so versatile There's a chance there's more then one of us that would not hesitate to fuck anything in the universe."

Albedo was imagining a young species first steps into the stars. She was reminded of story's about galvan prime telling the story's of their first space launch, the landing on their moon, the first colony. Something that was basically the same time Humans discovered fire.

"Has your planet made it to your moon yet?" Albedo asked.

"Yes." Ben said "America was the one and only country to make it to the moon."

"Oh when?" Albedo asked

"July 1969." Ben said "Humanity first independent steps on a celestial body. We are damn overdue for us to start on more projects."

Helping Gwen 10Where stories live. Discover now