Episode 9

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the campers all had to face in a boxing match, some of the fights destroyed their friendships but it also ended with them being in a whole lot of pain, it was down to the last point of Amy vs faker Sky, which Amy lost the fight and lost the challenge for her team, however, it was green imposter who was sent packing, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

Ava: well amy, it's nice we're on the same team now.

Amy: yep.

Ava: kinda wish orchid was with us too.

Amy: it's fine, she'll most likely win for her team.

Ava: you're right, however, we can't throw challenges just because we want orchid to be safe.

Amy: correct.

Ava: well, let's just get to sleep, tomorrow's a new challenge.

Amy: alright then.

(*the next day*)


(*after everyone got out*)

Java: ok contestants, todays challenge is pretty simple, it's gonna be a facing fear challenge.

Ava: ohhh, that sounds like fun.

Java: it is, let me tell you, you all will be having to face your fears which I have gotten from your audition tapes, the team with the most points will win the challenge while the losers will send someone home.

Britknee: oh my god, I don't wanna look ugly, that's like my greatest fear ever.

Java: well, since you said your fear, you're up first.

(*sun comes out holding a ugly wig*)

(*Britknee runs off with sun chasing her*)

Java: while sun is chasing her, let's start with the next fear.

(*java pulls out a science equipment with orchid turning white because she's next*)

Java: orchid, this one is pretty simple, all you need to do is make a science experiment without trying to mess yourself up.

Amy: don't worry orchid, you got this.

Ava: yeah, you got this orchid.

(*the rest of the Hailskys stare at ava and amy*)

Ava: what, she's our friend.

Orchid: o-ok then.

(*after they all faced their fears*)

Java: ok, so far, the Hailskys are losing but, I'll let them have one more chance with Nusky.

Nusky: oh no.

Java: Nusky, all you need to do is last a hour in here with faker sky, if you do, then your team will get double their points and the Sussybakas will lose, if you don't, then you lose and you'll be up for elimination.

Ash: good luck Nusky.

(*nusky and faker Sky get pushed in the room and java closes the door*)

Faker Sky: well Nusky, we're all alone here.

Nusky: faker, please, I don't want to be killed today, I want to win the million!

Faker Sky: well, me killing you equals me getting more ahead of the million, so...

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