Episode 8

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Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to run into a cave to grab a golden statue that was left in there, Ellie fell down a hole and found her team and the other teams statues, in the end, Sussybakas and Hailskys brought theirs back first, and originally, Reginald was gonna be the only one eliminated, but with Ellie thinking she had a real Diamond, she quitted the game, unaware that it was worthless, who will lose the next challenge, who will fall, find out tonight on.....FUNKIN.....BATTLE!!!

(*everyone was asleep*)

(*the next day*)


(*after everyone got to the elimination ceremony*)

Java: welcome contestants!

Orchid: hello java, what's this special announcement you need to tell us?

Java: well, the teams will be merging into two, Mario pleeeeeease!!! will be disbanded due to it having the least members left in the game, so, I'll explain the new teams, Hailskys are Amy, ash, green imposter, Bosip, ava, mighty.ZIP, and Nusky, while at the Sussybakas, it's black imposter, orchid, faker sky, Sasha, sonic.EXE, Britknee, and Armaros, alright, now that the new teams are assembled, I'll explain the challenge, for this one, it's a boxing match between the other team, basically, either knock your opponent out of the ring or knock them down and keep them there until the number ten hits, if you do either of these things, you'll earn a point for your team, the team that first gets to four points will win immunity for there team, now, please enter the gym of the camp with me.

(*after everyone got into the gym*)

Java: ok, now, we randomly chose the fights, so the first round will be green imposter vs Sasha, then mighty.ZIP vs Sonic.EXE, after that is ash vs black imposter, next is Bosip vs Armaros, after them is Ava vs orchid, next is Nusky vs Britknee, and the final fight is Amy vs faker Sky, so, let's get started with the first round, green imposter vs Sasha.

(*they get into the ring*)

(*after the fight*)

Java: Sasha wins, now onto the next fight, mighty.ZIP vs Sonic.EXE.

(*they get into the ring*)

(*after the fight*)

Java: sonic.EXE managed to win, next is ash vs black imposter.

(*they get into the ring*)

(*after the fight*)

Java: black imposter wins, Hailskys, if you fail any of the points, your team loses.

Nusky: yeah, we understand that.

Java: anyways, the next fight is Bosip vs Armaros.

(*they get into the ring*)

(*after the fight*)

Java: with a surprising comeback, Bosip wins a point for his team, next is Ava vs orchid.

Ava: but I don't want to fight my friend!

Orchid: same here!

Java: sorry, you gotta.

(*orchid sighs*)

Ava: hey, no hard feelings right orchid?

Orchid: right.

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