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Happy Sunday!🤗❤️

Must vote and comment on this new story!

Also I am working on some more new stories so let me know when you want the update..


The words from someone pierce in heart more when already you are struggling with some other problems


In morning,

She was reading the book in living room and he was getting ready for office.

They were both early morning people, and both of them usually leave for work in early morning.

She got 2 days leave as she was injured so she decided to spend her time in her way.

"Breakfast is on the table and the coffee is in the kitchen...have it!" she said after hearing the door sound.

"You don't need to do all this," he said with a frown as he went into the kitchen.

"What do you want, that I do nothing on my day off and just sit at home? Listen, I'll cook because I like to," she said confidently, looking at him as if he couldn't argue.

"So from today, I'll tell the maid to stop cooking; she'll only do the cleaning! Is that good?" he questioned her angrily.

"Best!" She replied and started reading again, making him more angry.

He quietly ate the breakfast and was about to move outside the door

"Wait!" She said,  gaining his attention.

"Now what?" He said it irritatedly.

"At least tell me the password!" she said casually.

"The diary is over there...it's written in it. And don't you dare enter my room!" he pointed at the table, warned her, and left.

"Why does he think I would go into his room?" she questioned herself and sighed.


She was spending her quality time by doing different activities, and she also made lunch for herself and consumed it. Then she took a nap, and in the last hours of the afternoon, she went on the walk downstairs in the apartment garden.

Karan attended important meeting and had his lunch with Ankit and Priyanka. He was totally indulged in his work.

In evening,

She was in kitchen preparing dinner and was listening songs...

"Yaar...I feel like having ice cream today...I would have made some if I had cream...but if I eat it, I'll get even sicker...I'm already on medication...Oh shit! I didn't take my afternoon medicine...oh well, I'll take it after dinner anyway..." she was talking to herself.

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