♡"Founded Family"

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gotta love the usual family fluff ;D
also, im actually SO sorry that this is mostly smut. i recommend that for a little bit, if you dont like smut, that you ignore the fic, because as of right now its all i have to post.
currently, im working on some fluff/angst, then a valentines special at the same time, and another smut chapter.

sOo- thats gonna be one fluff/angst and 2 smut chaps, so uhh right after those are done ill work on some absolute (as we call it) tooth rotting mf fluff because hey, we all need to cry about how lonely we are while reading some fictional cookies havin a better love life ;D

. . .Anyways, enjoy.
. .Lately, life has seemed..Bland.
Boring, even.
They have done so many couple-things; Movie nights, fancy dates..You name it.
And yet, somehow, their relationship seemed to have a gap that maybe, nothing could fill, like the missing piece of a puzzle.

Madeleine leaned back against the couch, stretching an arm out to pull his (now) husband closer to himself, needing some sort of warmth in the cold air.
He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, giggling childishly.

And yet, he still felt that small piece of emptiness somewhere in his heart, believing that maybe, it was simply something he would never find.

He got a simple hum in reply, along with a small tilt of his head to look upwards into his eyes.
"U-uh..Do you kinda..Feel like we're missin' something..?? I-I don't know, like, some kind of emptiness?"
The paladin questioned, having a small hunch that his lover felt the same.

"..Hm..I don't know. Possibly..?"

Madeleine raised an eyebrow, glancing away to look around the living room. Espresso dug his face into his neck once again, leaving a couple gentle pecks to the skin.
..He caught sight of a photo frame nearby, squinting slightly to see what exactly it was.

..And he realized what may have been missing from their lives.
"A child!"
"A WHAT?!"

. . . . .

"C'mon Essy!! Don't you think it would be lovely?? Raising youth of our own into a wonderful knight, like me!"
"..Two things, Mads. One, where the HELL will we get a child from?! Excuse my inappropriate language, but we don't have the ability to give birth, dumbass."
He scolded, taking a pause.

"..Two. Why assume it would be a knight, hmm?? How about..A mage, or perhaps a teacher, like me."

..Madeleine frowned, grumbling to himself, getting a small chuckle from his lover.
"W-we could..Always y'know..Adopt..?"
He mumbled, trying to hold his shaky smile. Espresso raised an eyebrow, deep in thought.
With a sigh, he agreed.

". .I believe I have someone we could adopt. Someone who..Needs a home, desperately."


"Oh, 'Spresso! And..Ugh. Your..husband..Ew."
. .The young child frowned at the sight of the tall knight, holding something behind his back. They pushed up their goggles, throwing a screwdriver aside quickly.

"..Crepe. Allow me to get straight to the point."
"How would you feel about..Having a family?"

..And their eyes lit up, practically glowing in happiness.



..Genuinely, Madeleine believed this to be a mistake.
He didn't mean it in a horrible way, no!
But, maybe, watching as his husband and their now-child took apart his watch and examined it wasn't so..Fun.
(. .And asking them to quit taking his stuff apart never worked, they were both too good at puppy eyes...)

The knight grumbled quietly, watching his movie intently. He may or may not have sent the others out to pick up dinner so he could sit down and watch a movie really quickly..
(Hey, he didn't wish to be called perverted for whatever may come up in the movie...)

He giggled a bit at one of the jokes a character made, smiling. He was..Maybe beginning to feel a bit lonely, the spot next to him feeling too empty.
The knight began to frown, missing his lover and child heavily.
(...Honestly, he was slightly shocked that he missed that little gremlin..)

..So, he picked up his phone, opening his husband's contact before quickly typing out a message.

"I miss you :("

. .It pinged shortly after, the message glowing on his screen.
"We're almost back, calm down."


..The moment he heard the familiar sound of keys jingling in the lock, Madeleine bolted to the door, standing there excitedly like a puppy awaiting its owner.

Once Espresso had fully walked in and allowed Crepe to enter too, he set their coats on the hanger, getting a bit of help from the knight. The mage leaned up, pecking him on the lips, both of them giggling at the low "Ew!" that Crepe grumbled out whilst walking towards the table.

..Maybe, just maybe, this was truly what they needed all along.
Being splayed in the middle of the couch, staring over at the television (..Which, now played a much more family-friendly movie..), both shoulders feeling heavy. His husband lay against one of his sides, head tucked into his neck, halfway asleep.

..On the other, Crepe was fast asleep, snuggled up underneath of his arm, their small box of fries threatening to fall from their opened hand.
He left a small peck to the top of their head, before leaning to the other side, giving his lover a kiss to the lips, feeling him sleepily return it.

. .Yeah, he could learn to live such a domestic life.
Every thought soon disappeared in his mind as he fell asleep to whatever dreams he would have that night, warm against his family.

Yeah- A family would work.


good ol' fluff to restore this fic for a lil while

espressileine oneshots <3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora