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"Gwen's archenemy in Ben's timeline. We're most likely gonna deal with her soon so you should know." KITT said.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Ben's thinking about her and he really doesn't feel like fighting her." The drone said "So if you see this just know if she calls you Gwen just don't get involved or act offended. Ben has no idea the level of hate between the two in this universe."

Albedo nodded and asked if she could use Ben's badge to use the Exo-Net.


Albedo was trying to find a new project to 'Get out from under Azmuth's shadow.' And she needed to figure out a goal.


A knock on the door interrupted her work.

"Open up this is the Plumbers." A voice boomed.

KITT had moved his face outside.

"What seems to be the Officer problem?" KITT said

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"What seems to be the Officer problem?" KITT said.

"Magister Prior Gilhil. Sir are you aware you are currently in possession of level 7 restricted tech?" Gilhil said.

"Are you aware this case has already been delt with and has been logged with Officer Tennyson's Chain of Command?" KITT said.

Gilhil looked at him "Would you have proof that-"

The wall opened and a red eyed Ben Tennyson in only his underwear walked out "I've already sent in the files get off my case Gilhil."

The Magister had looked at the file with his badge then pressed it.

"This is Magister Prior Gilhil checking needing a confirmation on one Officer Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. His file says you are his chain of command." Gilhil said.

"Mornin' Magister Patelliday speaking." A southern voice said "How can I help you gilly?"

"I've got a human male with a badge and a mark 1 null void projector claiming you're his commanding officer."

"That's right Ben's one of my guppies and he's already informed me about the Null Void Projector."

Gilhil ripped up the paper with the ticket and said "Finally. I've got 300 planets to deal with one less thing I gotta deal with. I suggest wearing pants next time you greet a superior, Tennyson."

"I suggest you check your files next time...Gilly." Ben said "The badge should have shown on radar."

"Now boys don't make me come out to...own hell to the na I ain't walkin in the middle of the desert before I had my coffee." Magister Patelliday said "Gilhil stand down you don't break chain. Ben you still gotta file that Vulpimancer case within then next 24 hours. Patelliday out."

Helping Gwen 10Where stories live. Discover now