Part 111: The Potter siblings' secrets

Start from the beginning

"What are we talking about, ladies?" Hugo inquired as he came to sit with them. He looked very nice for the occasion. While he'd refrained from shaving, dedicated to "growing it out a little," he'd also cut his curly hair a bit short again. The length practically hid his curls, but still looked good on him.

"About how big of a mouth Dad has," Rose joked teasingly.

Hugo chuckled openly. "At least he's not like Mum, who not long ago loudly asked me when I would be getting married," he laughed.

Lily smiled at the two siblings. As rare as it was, it was nice to see the two of them getting along, especially now that the two of them seemed to put the past behind them. Of course they still argued. After all, they were their parents' children. But they had more moments when they got along, and their anger wasn't as long lasting.

"How the hell do you save your girlfriend from your own mother?" James questioned as he joined them at the table. "Because Mum practically trapped Elizabeth while I was in the bathroom, and I don't know how to help her now."

Hugo scoffed. "Man, there is no saving her now. She's doomed until Aunt Ginny lets her go."

"Now you know how Lily and I felt when it came to bringing boyfriends home," Rose pointed out. "And Dad having known Lorcan all his life did nothing to help."

"Yeah but Dads never fill thoughts of marriage and kids into the heads of boyfriends," James argued. "In fact they do their best to scare the idea of sex right off their world of thoughts. Mothers do nothing but fill their thoughts."

"Yeah but mothers don't scare the girl away," Lily retorted. "Fathers aim to scare boyfriends off. If Dad would have had his way years ago, I wouldn't be married right now."

"Yeah, but you were with Scorpius for how long . . . practically a year, before you finally brought him around for dinner with the family?" James countered. "I haven't been dating Elizabeth that long."

"Scorpius had been over before that though, and as my boyfriend," Lily disagreed.

"But you knew you were in love with Scorpius," Hugo defended. "James's relationship is new."

"Thank you!" James said.

"I had hardly been dating Lorcan when Dad sat him down and talked to him about me and sex," Rose now argued. "And I was only fifteen."

"But you both got married to the loves of your lives," Hugo said with a roll of his eyes. "So it obviously had no effect."

"And you love Stacy, and she loves you, so why should you be worried about anything your mum says affecting your relationship?" Lily mocked. "Or are you just afraid of getting married?"

"Hey! I'm only nineteen! I'm not even twenty! Not everyone has to get married as young as you two did," Hugo defended.

"Well Scorpius and Lorcan had no problem with it," Lily quipped.

"It must be a little boy thing," Rose teased with a slightly smug grin.

James rolled his eyes, bringing his glass to his lips. "I am all man, cousin," he mumbled before taking a drink.

September continued on after Albus's wedding. But Lily personally found nothing good about the continuation of September. And it had nothing to do with the weather getting a little cooler and damp. It didn't have to do with the new quiet that went around areas like Diagon Alley now that kids were back at Hogwarts. It had more to do with two other friends that were leaving. But unlike kids going to Hogwarts, they wouldn't eventually be back for an entire summer.

The last few days leading up to Lola and Jace moving away had been spent with all of their friends spending time together, or having girl nights and guy nights. But this early afternoon was spent at the Leaky Cauldron with the two of them, and Lily and Hugo. Once they had all finished eating, they lingered at the table, knowing that once they got up, it would be time to separate.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now