Kitten shenanigans [chris x reader]

Start from the beginning

You grabbed Chris's sweatshirt off the couch and wrapped it around Rocky. In your room Chris was still smack dab in the middle of the bed and trapped in the deep sleep that only came with excessive alcohol consumption. Ugh, you rolled your eyes.

"I'm really mad at him Rocky." His eyes widened almost like he was concerned. "No no, shh, don't worry, it's all okay. Your daddy and I are very much in love, but sometimes people who are in love do things that annoy each other, like buy kittens when their apartment has a no pet policy." You stopped and looked up.

Am I talking in third person to a cat? Okayyy, now I've really lost it. Time to figure out what happened. You grabbed your phone off the coffee table and put Rocky on the kitchen counter while dialling.

"Mmh hey, what's up?" Shawn said sleepily. You grabbed the milk out of the fridge and a bowl to put it in.

"Were you with Chris tonight?" You put the milk in the bowl and Rocky started drinking it with such cute little licks. You felt like a living version of those anime girls who get heart eyes when looking at their crushes.

"Uhh, yeah. Why?"

"I have a cat now." Silence on the other end. "Chris brought home a cat."

"Listen I don't know anything about that. He went to the pet store with Sid and they were both wasted. I'm surprised they let him take home a living being."

"Jesus christ, oh well. He's smart, you know. Somewhere in his drunk mind he knew I wouldn't be able to get rid of Rocky."

"His name's Rocky?"

"Yeah, I don't know if Chris picked it though."

"That's cute. It was probably Sid, he likes that movie."

"Yeah probably. Anyways, I gotta go now. Thanks for picking up so late."

"No problem," Shawn coughed. "Go easy on him though. He was going on last night about how much he loved you for like half an hour. I don't know if he did it to annoy us on purpose, but he succeeded. It's very possible Sid took him to get a cat to make him shut up." You laughed.

"Night Shawn."

"Night Fehn." He hung up. You blushed, you weren't necessarily opposed to people calling you Fehn. It felt weird though. You weren't married to Chris, but you'd been together for a while and people just started calling you that. You didn't know if you wanted to marry Chris. What you did know was that now was not the time and you didn't want to think about it yet.

You turned on the TV and watched with Rocky until your eyes would barely stay open.

"Come on Rocky, let's go. Time for bed." He scampered down the hall and into your room. When you got there, finally Chris had moved to his side of the bed, but so had Rocky. They were snuggling together and it was the sweetest thing you've ever seen.

After washing up and changing into pyjamas, you climbed in bed and nudged Chris. He opened one eye.

"Hmm?" He said. You scooted closer to him.

"I'm not mad at you."

"For what?" He mumbled.

"Nevermind." You picked up Rocky and put him in between you. Chris grabbed your hand and held it close to him.

"Don't kill me. I love you." You laughed.

"It's fine, well not completely, but it's okay. We'll talk about it in the morning." He nodded. "Love you."


By the time you woke up, Chris was already out of bed. It was Sunday thank god, but then you remembered there was some stuff you needed to do to get ready for the week.

After putting on some sweatpants and brushing your teeth you walked out to meet Chris in the living room. He looked like hell. There were dark circles under his eyes and his forehead was creased with worry lines. At first he didn't say anything, just passed you a mug of coffee. You took a sip, it was just how you liked it. Your heart warmed, he remembered. No matter how long you'd been with Chris, the little sweet things he did always felt special. You never numbed to his affection.

"I'm sorry." His voice was scratchy, like he'd been yelling. If you had to guess, it was probably at Sid. You didn't say anything, just put your arms around him till you felt him relax.

"It's fine. Rocky's cute. I was mad for like five minutes." You smiled at him and his eyes softened. "What on earth were you thinking though? How much of this was Sid and how much was you?" Chris just shook his head.

"You don't wanna know. He may wake up with more kittens than we did."

"That's gonna work out just great. The one thing Sid needs is tiny, crazy fluff balls with small knives for fingernails."

A meow came from the living room and Rocky ran over and jumped onto the counter into Chris's arms.

"Aww so cute."

"Me or him?" Chris said with a grin.


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