Moby: No kidding.

Arthur:Even your parents could put up a better fight than this!

Moby: What's the plan?

Champ:I don't know.

???:Stay away from them! 

Arthur was suddenly pinned down by Grace.

Arthur:You escaped, how?

Grace:I had help!

Champ and Moby noticed that Ella and Tuck had arrived and were now helping out the others.

Champ: About time.

Arthur pushed Grace off him. Grace started smirking.

Grace;Now you have to fight the three of us.

Arthur:The outcome will still be the same.

Grace:I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Grace looked at Moby and Champ.

Grace:Can you two still fight?


Champ:We need to catch him off-guard.

Grace:Leave that to me.

Arthur:If you three are done talking, it's time for you to die.  But, before I kill anyone…

Arthur suddenly appeared in front of Champ.


Arthur placed a paw on Champ's forehead. Arthur's paw began to glow as Champ passed out.


Grace:What did you do?

Arthur: Let's just say that he won't be helping you two any time soon.

Moby:The meteor must have given him the ability to place someone under an illusion.

Grace:We have to destroy that energy badge he has, it's the only way to wake up Champ.

Moby:You lead!

Grace charged at Arthur, who immediately punched her right in her gut, making Grace fall to the ground.



Arthur:This is pathetic, you three are even weaker than your parents.

Arthur was then punched by Moby.

Moby:(Growls) Step away from my friends.

Arthur: You know, your mother was the only one who speculated that I was up to something. So in order to keep myself from being more suspicious, I decided to play nice until the day of the Calamity. Now that she's dead, the only thing that stands between me and the throne of Puplantis is you, the brat, and your grandfather.

Moby:A part of me wants to believe that you're still a good person deep inside. But the other part of me wants you dead!

Arthur: You really are nothing but a child.

Arthur attempted to attack Moby, but Moby moved out of the way and tackled Arthur and started biting down on his neck.


Moby: Yield, and I'll let go!

Arthur growled loudly as a powerful dark aura appeared around him.


Arthur knocked Moby right off him as he placed a paw on Moby's neck.

Arthur:You see that over there?

A Paw Patrol Story 9:The Battle For The Last Champion ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora