The same hands that would hold his cheeks saying they will always be there for them those hands belonged to------

" ... "

He paused from the rememberance as he then sighs tiredly turning off the shower, he steps out taking his towel then dries himself and wrapping it around his waist after

He walks out of the bathroom and walked towards his closet taking out a black shirt and dark gray pants, he didn't waste any time jumping to his bed and letting himself feel at ease at the safe and comfort of his own home

He covers the blanket over him and blankly stares at the ceiling " Wont be too long till.. " he took deep breath turning on his side before falling into a deep sleep

Philip grunts before letting go and landing on his feet, he look up at the vent where he jumped off on " Idiot.. this is why I lock my vents. "

He then stared at the kitchen " Oh wow~ " he smiles and reach out his gloved hand to take an apple, before he could take a bite he remembered something and started to walk towards the knives and sliced the apple

" Heh.. almost forgot to not leave any traces nor evidence it could be me~ " he hums as he chopped a piece of the apple before throwing the rest away and eating the slice of apple and putting away the knife (R.I.P Apples that were wasted)

He then hums quietly as he walks towards the bedroom door and stopping right infront of it he then opened it slowly and quietly taking a peek to see the man sleeping soundly in his bed

He then goes inside closing the door behind him quietly, he then walk towards the man that was sleepin in his bed and stops right besides him

He softly smiled and kneels down to look closely at him, his soft smiles turned into a sinister smile as he then reach into his pocket taking out a knife, he looks at the knife then back at the man

" The crimson red blood suits your dark red eyes and skin that's filled with sin especially your hands.. such disgusting sinful hands " He brings ul the knife and gently pressing it against the man's neck without causing any scar or bruises

" A sinful dirty hands.. the hands that killed my people... " He pursed his lips and grips tightly on the knife his eyes filled with hatred

" Oh father forgive me for what im about to do.. " His eyes soften and gripped harder on the knife as he then, he raise his hand and was about to stab him when--------


" Hng~ " He looks down at the man who groans and stirred in his sleep " Oh for crying out loud!... " Philip immediately ducked and crawled underneath the bed

The mna's blurred sight became clearer as he then looks at his side to see his ringing phone, he reach out to his phone answering the call " Hello?.. "

" Hello sir! sorry for disturbing you by any chance if you may be doing something or sleeping but you are needed right now at work! the others need you for right now and we appreciate if you could come! "

The Man sighs and rubs his temple " Sure.. id be there as soon as I can. " the person in the other line let out a sigh of relief " Oh sure thing sir! " the person in the other line had then hung up

The man grunts and gets up if his bed still sleepy and started to walk towards his closet, he took out a suit and began undressing himself angrily grumbling to himself " Darn work always ruining my sleep "

Philip underneath the bed stared with a ' ಠ_ಠ ' look as he watch the man's clothes fall on the floor " I feel like a mistress watching a husband and his wife get intimate in attempt of the husband to hide me.. " he mumbles to himself in shock

The man hums as he put on his clothes and throws his dirty clothes in the laundry basket, he then walks out of his bedroom closing the door behind him and walk pass the kitchen which he then pause " Should I eat something before going? nah maybe its something important " he asks himself before continuing to go to his work

Philip hears the garage open and then close then the car driving away, he then crawls out grunting " Goddammit!.. " he stood up and stomped angrily " I had him! I almost got him! "

He growls as he then started to stomp his way to the man's kitchen " Thank god he didn't came here.. " he whispers to himself looking up at the open vent

He then jumped and hold onto the vent and crawling inside closing the vent after

Judgment (Hiatus!!!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang