All my fault, I should have known this when you went on to promise my father that you would leave me after 3 months if you can't arrange a house. For you everything comes before me and our marriage.", She cried.

"Sana, it isn't like what you think. I am just borrowing time. I am not a super hero or a hero from some bollywood movie. I am just a common middle class person. I can't act in impulse and take haste decisions. I need to think of different things before opening my mouth. I will slowly try to explain Divya..", He froze as soon as she hissed again hating to hear him mention Divya's name.

"Keep trying Sidharth. You should have a back up plan after the end of 3 months period you got from my father. Hmm.. Infact, why wait until 3 months though, let's get a divorce as soon as we reach Mumbai.", Said Sana.

"Sana please. You are mine and I won't let you go away.", He said trying to hold her hand again.

"Don't touch me Sidharth. I know why you want to hold my hands. Because your cousin touched my hands and you want to overwrite the touch.", She scolds.

"Stay away from him Sana. He is a flirt.", Sidharth says.

"Possessive Dog!! Why did you forget that I am a possessive b!tch too? I won't allow that leech to lurk around you, let alone put the ring in your finger. I will cut your finger if you allowed her to.. and that's my promise. I won't break my promise either.", She warned him and left.

"Sana..?", He looked at her stunned, unable to speak a word after her warning but the question was, what would he do now to save his finger?


Naina slides the ring into Vivek's finger followed by Vivek, who slides the ring into Naina's finger. All those present, clapped their hand to congratulate.

"Divya.. your turn!", Said Divya's father. She smiled nodding her head and slid the ring into his finger and he in turn put the ring into her hand. While Divya was beaming in happiness, his face wasn't showing much happiness on the face. How would he? He looked at Sana and growled inwardly on his luck for being forced into getting engaged to Divya.

The guests clapped happily while the loudest clap came from Sana. Sidharth observed her silently and sneakily climbed down the stage to approach her. She galred at him and moved away from him. Sidharth took a step closer but she ignored him and went to the kitchen where the food was prepared.

"Uncle, what can I serve to guests from here?", She asked the chef.

"Thanks child. You can serve this curry.", Said the chef.

"Hmm.. okay", she nodded and picked up the steel bucket filled with curry and went out.

"Uncle, can I serve this sweet?", Asked Sidharth.

"Are you sure? You might be required on the stage.", Asked the chef.

"The engagement is over, uncle. So I should work a little", said Sidharth.

"Okay son.. as you wish", said the chef.

Sidharth picked up a bowl full of sweets and hurried to catch up with Sana who was already ahead of him. His eyes were glued at Sana who wanted to maintain distance hence started rushing.

"What's this kaka? So less curry? It won't be enough for the Roti.", Said Sidharth to an elderly. The man looked at his plantain leaf surprised, the curry was just enough for him.

"It's okay son. I don't have much appetite.", Said the man.

"No no kaka. Please don't hesitate to eat. (Calls loudly) Sana.. Sana..", he calls.

She gasped in surprise at him calling her name loudly infront of so many people so boldly but she still decides to ignore him.

"Hey Curry Girl, this uncle needs curry.", He screams making her halt and look back. She narrows her eyebrows glaring a hole into his face. Sidharth gulps in fear looking at the fuming lady.

"Kaka.. not me.. needs.. curry.. here..", he fumbles pointing at the man's plaintain leaf nervously. She stomps with the bucket in her hand glaring furiously at him.

"Aaaa.. Kaka needs curry.", Said Sidharth sweating profusely.

She looked at the plantain leaf and finds the curry in it already. She glares at the man and he gulps.

"I told him that it is enough for me but he just doesn't listen.", Said the man pointing at Sidharth. She throws daggers at Sidharth.

"Oh!! Aa.. aa.. Maushi (aunty) is calling.. she needs sweets.. yeah yeah I am coming.", He said staring elsewhere and walking past Sana to serve sweet to the lady.

"I can't eat sweets, son. I am diabetic.", Says the lady.

"Arggghhh..", Sidharth turned and looked at Sana who was glaring hole into his back until now. He nervously smiles.

"Can I have some sweets please?", Came a voice from behind and Sidharth immediately thanked his fate and the saviour internally before running to the person. Sana continued serving. Upon finishing the serving, she occupies an empty space and sits to eat lunch.

Sidharth served a piece of roti on her leaf and sat beside her. She ignores him while he observes that her plate was filled with only sweets.

"So much sweet? You seem to be too happy and celebrating.", Whispered Sidharth.

"Of course, I am. Aren't you?", She asked with a smirk.


To be continued.. ❤️❤️

Next update after 200 votes.. FYI.. I have already written it and it is in draft. So hurry up if you want to read it desperately!!

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