Epilogue: Aftermath

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With Murat Sulaiman and Suleiman Kerem Pasha dead, the fighting soon came to an end with victory siding with New Ağaçstan. On January 2nd UC 0080, a day after the One Year War ended, The Awal Madinah Peace Treaty was signed, marking an end to the Ağaçstani Civil War. Those who openly supported Zeon had their titles stripped and were trialed which was followed by a death sentence with a small few either being imprisoned or exiled while those who didn't(which were quite numerous in number)were allowed to keep their titles and possessions. The aftermath of the battle left Awal Madinah in ruins and not wanting to just leave the city, the New Ağaçstanis along with followers of Murat Iskandar and Suleiman Halil Pasha began the restoration of the city, which was lead by Tughril Mahmut himself.


The first course of action was the retrieval, identification, and the management of casualties, which took a week. The battle had killed 56 New Ağaçstanis with 14 of them being pilots and 78 were wounded while 153 were killed on Ağaçstan's side with 28 being pilots and left 308 wounded.


While walking down the war stricken city, Ahmet came across one of the alps, a soldier apart of Suleyman's taskforce whom he recognized, mourning the dead, only it was those of the old regime.

"Devrim Alp...?" Ahmet called as he approached the alp.

"P-Pasha-" Devrim, the alp, choked.

"What is the matter, Devrim?" Ahmet asked concerned as he knelt beside the alp.

"...I..recognise him, Pasha.." Devrim spoke after a bit of hesitance. "We...we used to play Matrak together nine years ago..and now he's dead! I shot him, Pasha! With my OWN Tufek! How...how can I face his family...? Just..how..Pasha..?"

Ahmet, understanding Devrim's feelings, he wrapped an arm around his shoulder, giving him what little comfort he could offer.

"What's done is done, Devrim." Ahmet said. "War...knows no bounds. You aren't at fault here, nor is he. Due to the greed of the Zabis, we, the people of Ağaçstan, were forced to kill our brothers. We've all killed brothers today, Devrim. Raise your head, don't hang it in shame and guilt. Your brother wouldn't want to see you like this."

Many more of these situations would happen around the city throughout the one week.


In just one month, the majority of restoration works had been completed and all that was left was to restore Unity Park that was the sight of quite a few firefights during the battle. Not wanting to miss this moment for the world, Tughril Mahmut himself oversaw the restoration of the park. After arriving on horseback(yes he knows how to), he was greeted by scores of Ağaçstanis both New and Old. During the past month, those who despised the Tughril(mainly due to the Zeonic propaganda)came to love and respect him(which was mainly due to the fact that they weren't genocided). After giving some long ass speech about peace and unity, the restoration work began with Tughril Mahmut at the forefront of it all.

"Let the restoration begin!"


The work itself took 14 hours to complete, and when the time came to lay the bricks of the park fountain, a long line was formed from the entrance all the way towards the centre of the park. With this, every citizen who took part of the restoration work was ensured to have played a part, much to everyone's satisfaction. When it came to place the final brick, Mahmut of course was the one who did it. Walking from the entrance, Mahmut stopped in front of each person in the line and allowed them to touch said brick(it was more for symbolism anyways). Soon(not really it took almost an hour) he reached the end of the line and the person who awaited him surprised him, to say the least.


The End

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