"Why don't you get some rest principessa? We will be here when you wake up." Victor asked, making me realise both him and Michaelo had witnessed me sobbing.

"Okay Vikky." I murmured and pulled the blanket up and over my legs.I haven't even realised I had called him that, it felt like second nature. Victors face lit up as he gently kissed my forehead as he continued smiling at me.

"I'm sorry do you not-" I whispered realising I may have offended him. 

"You called me Vikky when you were little." his eyes twinkled as if he was reliving happy memories, memories i wish we shared.

"Okay i'm just going to inject some medicine to help with your pain." Michaelo stated pushing a vital into my IV line. Instantly my eyes grew heavy as I looked towards my Father.

"Goodnight Bambina." my Father whispering brushing the hair behind my ear.

It didn't feel like I slept for long, I woke up hearing soft whispering coming from outside the hospital room door. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes gently, thankful a nightmare didn't plague my sleep. I carefully leaned forward on the bed and sat myself up, my mouth felt like cotton. I felt very weak and still in a daze.

I pull myself to the edge of the bed, feeling my feet touch the cold titled hospital floor. I lean against the trolley that's connected to my IV, using it to stabilise myself. I shuffled my feet slightly trying to pull myself to the bathroom,I needed to wash my face.

"Sorellina, what are you doing out of bed?" I distantly hear Lucien's voice from the doorway. I turn around noticing all four of my brothers standing by the door.

"I just want to use the bathroom," I murmured. I couldn't help but search for Nico but he was nowhere to be seen, I couldn't help but feel sad.

I guess he really does hate me. I looked around before letting my eyes fall to the floor.

"Dads just gotta sign some papers so you can go home," Lucien declared. I nodded with a soft smile. I wasn't going to admit I was looking for Nico.

Leo and Tobias helped me to the bathroom wheeling along the trolley attached to me. I put down the lid to the toilet seat and sat, rubbing my forehead with my cold fingertips.

The bathroom didn't look like it belonged to a hospital, it was crisp white with a dark marble countertop and very spacious. It looked better suited to be a fancy restaurant bathroom, not a hospital bathroom. But then again I'm not surprised, my Father has money and can afford to spring for the nice bathroom hospital room.

I rubbed my forehead again feeling myself get even more dizzy just at the thought of the means in which my Father makes his money.

I feel like I have been thrown into a world I know nothing about yet I feel as if I am at the centre of it all.

Three days ago I was a 16 year old girl barely surviving and completely alone, being abused everyday and working until my legs felt broken and now i'm the daughter of a mafia leader, I have 4 brothers and a twin, that I was kidnapped from. Now I have a family.

Growing up I always wished one day I'd be saved from Robert and Emily, that I'd get to live a good life far away from them. But I realised sooner rather than later that I had to be the one to save myself.

"Bambina are you okay?" I heard Leo yell from the otherside of the door, his voice taking me from falling into the depths of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks." I answered, quickly going to splash water on my face.

A part of me wanted to be alone, being alone is all I have known but another part of me wanted to let them in, to make up for all the lost years.

"Let's go home, principessa." My Father gushed. He was standing in the doorway wearing a dark navy suit with a smile etched across his face with dimples forming on his cheeks. The more I looked at him the more I saw the features we shared, my face is the mosaic of both my Mother and Father.

I smiled back to my Father trying to not smile ear to ear as he called it "home". I hadn't ever had a home, a house I lived in yes but never a home but now I felt like with them, I had found my home. And I hoped to never lose it. 

"Why don't you try and get some rest, Bambina?" Victor asked as he buckled me into the car. I was sitting next to Leo who hadn't left my side since we walked out the room. I was grateful for him.

Lucien and Tobias drove in a separate car leaving just Victor, Leo, my Father and I in this car.

"Yeah principessa get some rest because when we get home we need to have a very important chat." My Father stated as he started the car, he softly smiled at me from the front mirror as I felt the colour drain from my face.

Hi my luvs! I'm sorry I hadn't updated for a few days, I promise I have a regular schedule set up for the new chapters coming out.
I hope you guys are having an amazing day/night xx

I'm so thankful for every single one of my readers, you all mean the world to me. I'm so grateful I get to share my novels with you, I love writing so it's amazing to know at least somebody likes my writing haha. I can't believe over 1.3k reads that's insane, I'm so grateful x

Please Like,comment and leave any suggestions xx
Thank you all for reading "their lost girl"
-EJ <33

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