Mewtwo Strikes Back

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The gang was on their way to the Indigo Plateau where the Indigo League was going to take place. Cora had trained with her Pokémon on the way there. Right now, the gang was setting up the table for lunch. But Cora kept on staring at the sky.

"What's wrong, Cora?" Mairin asked, "You keep spacing out."

"Sorry, Mairin," Cora apologized, "The truth is I don't know what's wrong. I have this strange feeling that something's going to happen. But I don't know if it's good or not."

At that moment, a Dragonite arrived to where Cora, Alain and Mairin were, it gave them the invitation. The invitation was a hologram of Mewtwo's servant talking about her master wanting to have a Pokémon battle with them and asking them to come to New Island. There was also a card that Cora had to answer yes or no to. After saying yes to the invitation, Dragonite flew back to New Island.


That afternoon the gang arrived at the port, where the ferry for New Island was. At that moment a huge rainstorm appeared. The sea was getting rough too. At the pier, there were a lot of Pokémon trainers, waiting for the ferry to New Island. Cora noticed that Ash and his friends were here too. But there was a problem. The harbor master and Officer Jenny declared the ferry to New Island cancelled. Cora knew that the storm was Mewtwo's doing; he was using his psychic powers to bring forth the storm.

"The harbor master has declared that this is the worst storm ever." Officer Jenny explained.

The harbor master started telling everyone about a legend that took place a long time ago; a fierce storm attacked a town and killed everyone except a few Pokémon. Those Pokémon were filled with sorrow and cried out tears. Then magically those tears brought everyone to life.

A male trainer named Fergus refused to back down, "Well I'm going to New Island anyway. All my Pokémon are Water-type! We'll just swim over to that palace!" He said.

"l warn you, the waves will be savage! You will never make it!" The Harbor Master warned.

"lf you try that stunt and your Pokémon got hurt you'd be out of luck because we closed the Pokémon Center." Officer Jenny warned.

"How come?" Misty asked.

"The nurse in charge of the center disappeared last month. lf any of you see her, please contact me at once." Officer Jenny pointed to a picture of the missing Nurse Madison Joy on the wall, "That's a picture of her over there on the wall."

Brock had a look of the missing Nurse Madison Joy on the poster and blushed, "She's cute." Then he took another look at her, "She sure looks familiar."

Even though the storm outside was terrible, it did not stop Cora and her friends and three other trainers from getting to New Island. One male trainer, named Corey, used his Pidgeot, Fergus used his Gyarados, and a female trainer, named Neesha, used her Dewgong.

"Some trainers have no fear. To them, this is just one more challenge. They follow their hearts. That is what sets them apart and will make them Pokémon masters." The Harbor Master said.

Cora brought out her shiny Gyarados. "Rory, we need you to give us a lift to New Island." she said. Then she turned to Officer Jenny and the Harbor Master, "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

The harbor master nodded, "Good luck to all of you."

Cora nodded back. Mairin put Jevin (Togepi) in her backpack for safety. Cora and the gang climbed onto Rory. Rory managed to get Cora and the gang through the ocean safely. They did stay underwater, so the waves wouldn't hurt them, but they go up sometimes for air. And then at last, they finally reached New Island.

[1] The Daughter of Nurse JoyWhere stories live. Discover now