Battle Aboard the S.S Anne

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It was two days after Cora had received the Thunder Badge from Lt. Surge. At the moment, Cora and her friends were at the Vermilion City harbor. Cora knew that if they went aboard the S.S. Anne, they would run into Team Rocket again. But she couldn't let those guys take those trainers' Pokémon. So, she'll hop on board for their sakes.

"Wow." Cora blinked slowly at the large cruise ship in front of them.

"Beautiful." Mairin breathed.

Kilala nodded, "Espeon."

"That's quite a large ship." Alain commented.

"I'd love to cross the ocean on a ship like this." Cora confessed.

"Yeah, just imagine all the Pokémon we'd be able to see along the way." Alain smiled.

"Aw, for sure!" Mairin clasped her hands together, going to lala land. "Just imagine, sunbathing on deck all day...just a nice, long relaxing cruise."

"We could never afford a cruise like that, Mairin." Alain leaned over, bursting Mairin's fantasy.

"Ough..." Mairin groaned despondently as Chespie patted her head in comfort.

"Sometimes reality can really bum you out." Cora sighed, with Kilala and Chespie sighing too as their friends followed dejectedly. Suddenly they were showered in confetti from poppers.

"Congratulations!" Their vision was assaulted by two familiar figures wearing school uniforms and way, way too much makeup. "You guys are way lucky! You can go on a super deluxe sea cruise~!" They chorused.

"A sea cruise?" The three trainers repeated, Cora took a step back when the orange haired one came closer.

"Well, it's like, you know, we have these incredible super cool tickets for you!" The Orange head pulled tickets from her pocket.

"Co~ol!" The blond behind her sang.

"Cool, huh?" Orange head grinned.

"What?" Mairin blinked.

"These are tickets for the biggest party ever aboard the S.S. Anne cruise liner!" The Orange head displayed the ticket.

"The famous S.S. Anne?" Cora questioned, blinking up at the girl.

"Co~ol!" Blondie repeated.

"The coolest ship on the sea!" Orange assured.

"Oh~." Alain murmured.

"Everyone's going to be together and, like, have the coolest party!"


"And the party's for Pokémon trainers only!"


Cora and Alain were getting a little sick of hearing that word.

"Step this way!" Orange invited, Blondie giggling. "It'll be a radical party! All of the most radical Pokémon trainers will be there!"

"Do you know anyone who says 'radical' anymore?" Cora whispered to Alain, who shrugged in response.

"Okay, dudes, here are your tickets!" Orange offered them up.

"We'd love to go on the Pokémon trainer cruise, but we really don't have the money to pay for it." Cora replied politely.

"Oh, whoa, like, you don't understand!" Orange said.

"Co~ol!" Blondie squealed.

"They're totally free!" Orange informed them.

"Free?" Alain repeated, blinking.

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