The Love Inside [sid x Reader]

Start from the beginning

"Thank you!" The end of his words dragged on as he cheerfully opened the chips, munching on them. He offered you one but you denied.

"They're for you, love. For an awesome fucking show. A friend of mine streamed it and you all did great."

"Wait... Is that not... Illegal?" He looked back at you and raised an eyebrow.

You chucked. "If it's illegal for your partner to see your crazy fucking shows, then maybe."

Sid grinned, the corners of his eyes scrunching and you swear you could melt into the sheets. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, babe." He turned back to the TV. It was showing some random thriller movie, and you watched it absentmindedly, pressing kisses to the top of Sid's head every now and then. You giggled quietly to yourself at how loudly he was crunching those chips. Poor guy must've been so hungry after the show.

"So did you enjoy yourself up there today?" You asked, gently massaging his head with your fingers the way he liked it.

"Mmmhmm," Sid replied, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling. "Kinda hurt my fuckin' knee though. Guess I'm getting old." He crumpled up the chip bag and aimed for the trash can, but it landed on the floor. Neither of you were going to get up to do anything about it.

"Aww, Sidney's just a little old man now."

"Shut the fuck up."

The room was silent for a moment before you started to snicker. He started laughing too, and the both of you were a mess of giggles for what seemed to be forever.

"You're such a dork, Sid." You said in between laughs. He lightly pushed your cheek, imitating him smacking you. You stuck your tongue out at him.

"Seriously, though. Your knee alright?" The mood shifted, but not in a bad way. "After what happened when you broke your ankles, we can't be too careful."

Sid ran one hand up and down his thigh and gave his knee an experimental light squeeze. "Yeah, it'll be fine, baby. And I promise I'll be more careful."

"That's what you said to me the last time." You barely got out before you felt a finger on your lips. You playfully stuck out your tongue at it, and he chuckled.

"Hush," Sid smiled at you. "I know I go a little crazy. I'll try my best, okay?" His stupid smile never seemed to disappoint. It was like your kryptonite. And he knew it, too. "Somebody's staring." He teased in a low voice, making you aware that you'd been looking at him dumbly for quite a while.

"Shut up." You whined, making your voice crack on purpose.

"Awww, baby," he cooed, nuzzling his face into your neck. "I love it when you get flustered." He managed to say before letting out a yawn.

"Cut it out, Sidney. Or I'll wear you out more." You didn't realize what you had implied before you already said it.

He chuckled. "Oh would you now? Is that a challenge?"

You raised your eyebrow at him and tried not to falter in the gaze of his intoxicating blue eyes. "I thought someone was tired, Mr. Wilson?"

Sid adjusted his position so that he was hovering above you now, with you lying on your back. "Never too tired for you, baby." He murmured, kissing the tip of your nose. "Which is why..." He leaned down to whisper in your ear. "I'm gonna cuddle you so fucking hard right now."

With that, he practically lunged at you, enveloping you in his arms and squeezing you tight, making you yelp.

"Not what I was expecting, but I'm not entirely disappointed." You giggled. Being in Sid's embrace was something you never got tired of. You felt so safe and warm. Everything could disappear and you wouldn't even care, as long as you were in his arms.

His arms were still tight around you as he was spooning you. He let out a contented sigh. "Fuuuuuck," He mumbled, his lips against the shell of your ear. "I've been waiting for this all damn day. Best fucking feeling ever." You couldn't help but smile at how tired he sounded.

"The best?" You asked, taking one of his hands that was around your waist and interlocking your fingers with his.

Sid was silent for a second. "Hmm, okay, maybe I can think of some other best feelings." You heard the smirk in his voice and it made you chuckle.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" You knew exactly what he meant, but you liked to hear him speak.

"You know damn well, horny bitch." He teased. You giggled, turning over and snuggling into his chest. Sid sighed happily, feeling every worry, every pain, every stress... simply melt away in your arms.

"I haven't properly kissed you since you got back, babe." You looked up at him, propping your chin on his chest. He looked down at your love hazed stare, bringing his arms around your neck. You scooted up and pressed your lips against his, your hands grabbing his shoulders. Every kiss with Sid was like the first, always meaningful. It spoke unknown words. Sid's chuckles when you went to kiss him deeper always made your head spin. Every shared kiss would always remind you just how much you loved him. The two of you would never part if not for the need of oxygen.

"I love you so, so much Sidney." You whispered, softly kissing his cheek.

"I love you too." His eyes locked with yours as everything seemed to disappear. Nothing mattered but being here, right now, in this moment with him. "I want to be with you forever."

"So do I."

With that, Sid held you close to him. He rested his face in your hair. He didn't even feel the pain in his knee anymore. He felt nothing but the pure joy he got from being with you.

"I love you." He mumbled before falling asleep. You could've melted right there. You covered the two of you with the soft white sheets and wrapped your arms around him once again.

"I love you, too."

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