S2 C12. are they back?

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Neteyams pov

I finally woke up somehow slept well everything was blurry guess I was tired whare was i tho i can't remember alot. I rubbed my eyes and then saw my head was on aonungs chest and we wore both sleeping

I got up but he was still sleeping sleepy head I thought

'hey Aon! Aonungg!' i Said while shaking him a bit and he finally got up
'ye-yeahh? What do you need teyam' he said
'i need you to wake up, that's what I need' I said to him making him sit up

'i want to sleep now let me' aonung said

Gosh he was allways so stubborn
'get up aonung' I said
He's acting like a 12 year old
'fine' he said

We both got up and started walking we went through the big branch and then started walking trough big grass and bushes before I spotted something

I got down on my knees and looked at the thing on the ground.
A pistol.

I took aonung by his necklace and made him knell down
'hey wh-!' he started to say something before I put my hand on his mouth and put my finger neck to my mouth showing him to be quiet

I checked if it had any bullets in it and it did not. shit i tought i kept checking it and I realized it was not old it was dropped somewhare around today or yesterday.

I didn't have my bow with me and aonung didint have his spear
Luckily father's house was nearby guess I'll be just like father. Use a fucking gun for a weapon

I took the pistol and we got up starting to walk to my father's

After we got to thare I was in a rush
'hey my son why are you here?' Jake said when he saw me enter
'aonung?' neytiri said
'i don't know why I'm here he just lead me here' aonung said

'come' I said to them 3
I went to a tabble and put the gun down
'im guessing they came back. Father I need you to show me your gun stash'
They looked shocked expect aonung

'i didint think they would come back after all I did drown quarinch. But if you need anything come here my brave son' Jake said to me

We went to Jake's and neytiris room and thare was a little button Jake pressed it a hidden engraving in the wood opened up there was all kinds of guns all from the RDA
'taje what ever you need son. This old man does not have any bows or spears or stuff like that this is all I got' he said while walking off

Aonung laughed but I gave him a death glare and then he shut up

I kept looking untill I found the one I liked a HK416 assault rifle
And took a AS50 sniper rifle and gave it to aonung

'b-but I don't know how to use a gun!' aonung said
'well today's your lucky day you'll learn' I said to him while smirking

I got a vest on with many pockets for bullets and also a belt with grenades attached to it

I took a vest and a harness and put it on aonungs arm
'put these on' I said to him while putting my stuff on

He quickly put his on and I got us some glasses. I took a bunch of ammo and stuffed it everywhere on aonung also
'will we be okay?' aonung asked me while I closed the patch up
'depends if you get shot or not' I said laughing

'hey! That's nothing to Joke about!' he said while we wore walking
'oh my babys all grew up going to fight!' neytiri said while we wore walking out
'do you need any help son?' Jake said
'father you allready know they are after you just stay here' I said giggling

We got out of the house and started walking to the same spot we found the gun we kneeled down next to some plants and I peeked seeing nobody we started walking again and then I turned around and aonung wasn't with me shit. Nonono this can't be happening.

Aonungs pov

We started walking but after I was trying to get up and then I felt something on my face fuck what the fuck a towel was pressed against my lips and nose it had something in it making me dizzy.

I was grabbed by behind and I passed out

I woke up seeing alot of blue people in human clothes guessing it was the RDA
I hissed at them before one of them spoke up
'you are a water na'vi why the hell are you here in the forest.' Lyle said
'none of your business you fucking assholes let me fucking go!!' I said

'he was with Jake Sully's eldest son guessing they both are friends' zdog said
Wait isint she supposed to be dead. Would be glad of she died
'interesting.' quaritch said while smirking and walking up to me

'whare the hell is Jake sully' he said
'im not telling you shit!' I yelled out
'mansk!' quaritch said

One of them walked over to me and pointed a knife to me
'I DONT KNOW' I yelled out as loud as I can before I felt something
'AAH OUCH!' i yelled in pain something agents me pulling out
'hell die in a few minutes let's just trow him out for them to know we're looking for him' quaritch said

The guy who had held the knife at me showed it to me it was all covered in blood. My blood they stabbed me in the stomach

They untied me from some thing and then started walking with my hands still tied behind me they wore dragging me blood dripping down everywhere

They went to some spot by what I see somefar near my house

They let go and trew me on the grass
'OUCH STOP!' i wheeled in pain while they walked off some smirking

I didn't even try to get up I was feeling very sleepy and everything hurt so much gosh I don't want to die I don't want to lose neteyam I was about to close my eyes before I heard someone call my name

The person ran to me and I felt them kneel down next to me
'AONUNG WHAT THE HELL?' lo'ak said while looking at the cut in my stomach
'they are back. Please protect neteyam he's out there with them!!' I could barely say but I managed to say it
'no way guy I won't leave someone my brother loves!' he said while pressing on my wound

'tsireya come here now!!' he screamed out and I heard tsireya come out from some bushes
'ma brother!!' she said sitting next to me crying
'im okay please look for neteyam!' I said to them

'tsireya hold pressure here I'm coming right back!'
Tsireya held my wound and lo'ak ran off hopefully for neteyam I thought

I was feeling very lightheaded but I pushed trough after a minute or so lo'ak came back with slot of medkit stuff or something

'tsireya go call me parents they aren't far from here just watch out for the RDA!' lo'ak said while tsireya nodded and ran off

'look man your boyfriend knows how to do this kind of stuff I don't' he said while grabbing my back with his hand making me get up a bit
'hold like this '

I put my arms down and kept holding in one position untill he wrapped the bandages around my stomach
'hold in there you got it? If you die I will kill you' he said
'how can i die when your brothers in my life' he smiled at me and kept wrapping the bandages around

After he was done his parents came here
'oh my gosh aonung what happened!!' neytiri came up to me looking at the wound
'the RDA they came back they got me and threatened to stab me if I wouldn't tell whare Jake sully was so some guy named quaritch kicked me out after stabbing me' I told them

'nonono I thought I killed that mother fucker shit. Let's just get you to your house' jake helped me up and we got to the spot I got in my bed and before they left I said
'wait!' I said
'yes aonung?' Jake asked me
'neteyam! He's still out there looking for me he wasn't caught!'
I said panicking
'we will will find him do not worry aonung.' Jake said while running out.

I was getting so worried but then the pain hit me again and I fell asleep at least I think Im sleeping.

(Well here's some thing I thought of when I was out the city in my car and this is some angst or something hope y'all liked this this took me about a hour to write!!!)

(1518 words)

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