2. lessons are important

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(Hii I wrote part 1 like a minute ago and allreardy 2 poeple saw it I know that's little but I'm gonna make part 2 now)
(These are the people that inspired me! @lakai_mckay03 , @mann_wtff , @vsjvzk112224 , @ineed_gayship I loved their stories and I thought I'd make my own!!)


'neteyams pov'

I woke up tired not wanting to be here
I forgot we had swimming lessons i saw tuk and Kiri  'what are you guys going?' I asked tuk giggled and Kiri Sayd 'you forgot we have lessons today or what?' 'oh shoot I totally forgot' I replied I got ready and went with them we saw that guy that looked at me, his sister and lo'ak we got to thare and they started talking.

'we will go in first. Then you can follow ' tsireya Sayd

They jumped in and we followed in after a bit we swam for maybe about 2minutes before going up to get some air we went back down and after a bit we had to go up again 'darn how do they hold their breath for that long!' shouted loak 'i don't know let's just go skxawng haha' I laughed a bit loak looked annoyed

We went down with them they then saw that we took a while we had to go up again. 'why do they go up so much'
Aonung Sayd in Navi sigh language 'i do not know let's go ask them' Sayd tsireya

They go up in the surface and ask
'why are you guys taking so long?'
Tuk replyed 'you guys are to fast wait for us!!' 'we can't hold our breaths for long' said Neteyam

'Ohh we much teach you how to breathe under the water then!!'
'tomorow come to this spot again at the same time' says tsireya

'sure thing!' tuk says


'nobodys pov'

They all go to their huts and Neytiri cooked food for them 'how did your guys's swimming lessons go?' asked Neytiri. 'fine'sayd lo'ak

'it was amazing I saw fish and all kinds of things it was pretty!!' tuk replying to his mom

They all ate and after a while Jake came back.

They went to sleep but neteyam couldn't fall asleep so he went outside for some fresh air


'neteyams pov'
I walked by the water on the sand before I saw some nice looking place thare was sand mixed with dirt and grass some small tress and bushes.

I walked for about 12 minutes now and I didn't even realise I was nowhere whare I know of I was lost 'oh shit whare am I' Sayd trying to look around after a bit of walking I heard someone walking. I turned around and saw thare was someone thare but i didn't quite see it when they got closer I saw the person and instantly knew who it was.

'what are you doing here. Did you get lost or something forest boy' aonung Sayd
'well yeah I kinda did, you know whare the walk to the huts are?'
'well of course you know I was born here yknow. What are you doing here at this time anyways?'
'i just couldn't sleep so I went for a walk. But then I got curried away and ended up here'
'i know a nice and pretty place wanna come?'
'sure I'll follow you'

We go to that spot and it was beautiful it wasent so far from the huts also not right next to them
The water was aqua clear thare was sand and some big rocks some trees as well it looked very pretty

'wow this looks so pretty' I said
Just like you he thought
'yeah I know I come here alot'aonung Sayd

I sit down while he follows and sits down next to me I looked at the water then we started talking.
'so I never got your name forest boy'
'lovely- nice name Neteyam'
't-thank you' I smiled 'and what's yours?'
'aonung' he looks at Neteyam

I felt someone looking at me so I looked to aonung seeing he was looking at me? I wonder why.

I felt that I blushed a bit but I started looking at his light blue eyes they looked really pretty.

He started leaning next to me but I realized it's all ready late.

'its late can we go now?' I asked blushing

'yeah. Let's go'

He showed Neteyam the way to the huts after a few minutes they wore thare.

'thank you aonung for showing me that place and leading me here'
'your welcome forest boy'.'
'you know I have a name?'
'yeah but i would love to tease you'
I sigh and roll my eyes
We say goodnight and then go to our huts

I tought nobody was awake. But i was wrong..

'neteyam whare wore you?!' Neytiri Sayd

'i was just going out for a walk.'
'oh okay just go to sleep now and rest you have more lessons tomorrow'

'okay mom'

He goes to sleep but he tought of aonung.i tought what he would of do when he was pulling left to him before I sayd it's late. Maybe something like- wait what am I thinking ugh I'm weird I'll just go to sleep.

(HIII IDK IF I DID GOOD I HOPE I DID ITS A BIT LONGER I really enjoy making these even if nobody would read them I would still make them !!904 words!)

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