10. the end

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'Neteyamas pov'
( 2 days after the sky poeple came)

I woke up i was tired to get out of bed I felt bad from all the crying yesterday I just wanted to sleep before lo'ak came to me 'cmon dude you have to get out of bed. I know you feel bad for what happened but you do have to eat and go outside'
'no I won't and never will' I turned around and faced the wall
'ugh' he said and then stormed out the room

'lo'aks pov'

Omg how do I get him to go outside
How do I. 'hey loak!' i heard tsireya 'oh heyy' i said
'hey what's wrong??' she asked
'well neteyam dosent wanna go outside or even eat so idk what to do'
'i have a idea'
'what is it??' I asked
'well you know him and aonung are kinda lovey dovey'
'ohhhh i know what you mean let's go!' we laughed

We went to tsireyas house and she said
i laughed and she also did
We heard someone coming and aonung said

'urgh what is itt'
'i need your help' she said
'no way I'm helping you' he said
'guess neteyam will be in the room forever' she said
'neteyam?' he pushed us out the house 'so what's the help you need me to'
'simp.' I said quietly
'HEY! I heard that' he said
We laughed

We got to the hut and went inside
'well whare is he ' aonung said

I showed him his room and said
'he isint getting out of his bed and he needs to go outside for sunlight and to eat it's been 2 days he's done that'

'well wait in the kitchen and give me 2 minutes ' he said

He went inside and closed the door
'now what was really suspicious' I said
'yeah I can agree' tsireya said
We walked to the kitchen to wait

'aonungs pov'

'hey neteyam' I said, I went closer and sat on his bed he didn't say anything

'so I've been hearing someone's been not eating. What happened my neteyam?'
He didn't say anything
'oh so you wanna play that game?'
'try me' I said

I leaned in and kissed him he still didn't say anything I kissed him again and went down to his neck and started to bite it

'AONUNG WHEN WILL YOU MAKE HIM COME HERE' lo'ak screamed ugh allways have to get interrupted in the best part 

'what does he mean that you will make me come out I'm not going anywhere' he said

'you sure' I took his hand and placed it on my shoulder and then his legs and lifted him up

'what are you doing!! Stop it!' he said
'no way princess you will get out of this room'

He tried kicking to try and get free but I ain't letting go I carried him to the kitchen

'what are you doing with my brother' lo'ak said
'i mean you told me to get him out the room so I did'
I placed him down on a chair
'fine neteyam here mom made this eat it pleasee'

'fine' neteyam started eating
'what the hell did you do in there for 12 minutes' tsireya said
'nothing' I smirked
'your weird as fuck' she said
'i know dumbass'

After a while we started going outside before we heard crying it was mom 'what's wrong mother?' 'my tulkun my tulkun. They found her dead my spirit sister..'

She kept crying and me and others tried to comfort her after a bit they went to see all the others talking about and saw them doing the pukana
They talked about attacking the sky poeple but Jake tried to talk them out of it after some time they got talked out of it to go tell the tulkuns

'at first sight' Neteyam X Aonung (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now