XVIII - Awake

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A/N: I've had covid for the last week! I am sorry for not posting, i have felt so bad. But.... I feel a bit better today finally.

The next few days were grueling. For the last two days they wouldn't even let me go into König's room because of some sort of infection he was fighting internally.

I understood but it also pissed me off. I missed him. They weren't even allowing him to stay awake yet because his body needed to use all of its resources healing.

I spent a lot of time talking to Ghost. He was becoming one of my closest friends - which made me happy after what happened between us.

My arms were full with good food and not the shitty hospital food they were feeding Ghost, he only had one more day and then he'd be released but he was hangry.

I stopped by König's room in the hallway, peering through the window I saw him laying there - he looked peaceful. Good.

After taking a few seconds I headed to Ghost's room. I heard laughter from inside the room. It was his but... a woman as well?

I pushed open the slightly cracked door. Ghost was sitting in his bed, propped up by pillows; laughing. The woman from the other day was sitting in a chair next to his bed, giggling at whatever they were talking about.

His eyes met mine. "Y/N!" He seemed happy.

"I brought your food, grumpy." I gave him a look, setting down his food onto the table next to him.

"Thank you. You remember Nineteen?" Her name was nineteen? What kind of name was that? "-is her real name but we call her Nineteen now."

Fuck. So that's her call sign? I missed her real name... again!

"Of course I do. She saved my ass." I laughed, pulling out the sandwiches I had brought. "Do you want one too? I brought extras because Simon eats too much."

She giggled, shaking her head as she raised her hands; shyly replying. "No. No. I'm okay. I have to head out anyway."

She stood up, Ghost was watching her with adoration. "I'll see you two later! I also hope I can meet König soon." My heart ached at his name.

"Me too, Nineteen. See you later." I mumbled.

"Come back soon, hm?" Ghost laughed, giving her a playful wink. She playfully rolled her eyes in return but I saw the blush come to her face as she left.

"So..." I murmured as she was finally out of the room. "You and Nineteen?"

"Hm?" He looked up at me. "No." He shook his head, shifting in the bed he was sitting in before grabbing a sandwich. "She just stopped by the other day and I told her to come back again."

"I see." I grinned. I watched Ghost raise his balaclava above his mouth so he could eat. "Has she seen your face?"

He stopped for a moment. "No."

"Why not?"

"It's not like that." He said before taking a bite of his sandwich. "I don't just show anyone."

Vexed - König x Fem Y/NNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ