IV - Breathe

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It was awkward on the way back. I sat in the backseat of Soap's Jeep - except Ghost opted to sit next to me which forced König to sit in the passenger seat.

I could feel Ghost's eyes burning into the back of my head as I stared out the window. My fingers touching the cold window, tracing without really patting attention.

A few months ago, Ghost and I were in almost the same position. Sitting in the back of Soap's Jeep, alone while Soap took care of something. He kissed me and I kissed him back - things got hot and there was even some wandering hands involved.

It was interrupted by Soap coming back and Ghost and I never spoke about it again. I don't know if he thought I just didn't actually like him or what but... he never tried again. I thought he just wanted a one night thing so I tried to move on.

"So... what was happening in there, hmmm?" Soap broke my thoughts by playfully inquiring.

I turned to look at Ghost, his eyes squinted and he answered before I could, "Shut the fuck up, MacTavish."

König shifted around in the passenger seat, letting out a sigh before speaking; "It was nothing Soap, really. Like I said, she helped me and I went to wake her up this morning."

Soap looked a bit hurt by Ghost's outburst. I could see him look between the road and Ghost in the rear view mirror.

A little while later we arrived at the base. I got out of the car and awkwardly waved goodbye to the group as I headed towards my room. König nodded his head before turning to say something to Soap.

But I heard heavy footsteps following me. I reached my room and opened the door, stepping inside but keeping it open for the follower lagging behind.

I turned to face them as the door was slammed shut.
Ghost stood there and if glares could kill his would be sending fifty daggers my way.

"You've got to be bloody kidding me, right Y/N?" His voice was deep, raspy, and cold.

I shrugged my shoulders, opening my mouth to run the same story past him again but he cornered me to the wall before I could speak, hand slamming next to my head onto the wall.

"Oh, don't give me that bullshit." He kept his arm up, standing just a few inches from me. He was so tall compared to me and I felt boxed in.

"Nothing happened... I swear. It was just cold, Simon." He seemed to be searching my face for answers. Trying to tell if I was saying the truth. I put on my best poker face.

"Why do you insist on lying?" He hissed through his teeth, sliding his other arm up. Now both of his hands were planted on either side of my face. I could feel myself getting warm and feelings rushed back to my brain. I didn't know what I wanted.

"I-... Simon." I raised my hand, planting it on his chest softly and I could feel his body relax underneath. "We just... cuddled. It was cold. He was worried."

He scoffed, "Of course the oaf was bloody worried."

"And... we might have kissed." I whispered the last part, averting my eyes from Ghost.

Vexed - König x Fem Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن