III - Caught

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"No... I'm fine... here. Just stay. Ja?" (Yeah?)

I sat across from him, watching him breathe as he slept. It was soft. Slow. A few of the candles had died down and we were left with a small lantern light.

It shined a warm glow over him. It was late. It was starting to get unbearably cold. I stood to search around the cabin for any blankets I could find. Returning to König afterwards I covered him with a large fluffy blanket - tucking it in gently under his arms and legs as he sat up; hoping I didn't wake him.

"Mm..." I froze, König shifted a bit in his seat but didn't seem to wake up. I let out a slow breath and sat back in the chair across from him, taking a smaller blanket that hardly covered me to cuddle up with.

After about half an hour my eyes started to flutter shut. I just got warm enough to fall asleep, even though I was still not incredibly comfortable.

I cuddled into the soft surface that touched my face and body. It was warm. Comfortable. Mm.. I took in a slow breath and a hint of woodsy oak and pine.

"Good morning." I was startled at the voice, snapping open my eyes to find myself cuddled up to... König.
I pushed myself back a bit, creating a small gap in between us.

"What the hell. What are you doing!?" I stared at the man laying in front of me. He seemed calm. His grey eyes staring at me as I was freaking out. How the fuck did I get here?

"Chill, Y/N. I'm sorry. You just..." he stretched a bit, turning to lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. "- you just looked cold. You were shivering and... kind of pale when I woke up."

I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't even know what to say. How could I be mad at someone who just wanted to make sure I was okay?

"You could've asked me first." I said, sternly even though I didn't mean it.

"Why wake you when you would've said yes anyway." I could see his eyes glance over to me from where he was laying. I could feel a blush rise to my face.

"I—" I was lost for words. My stomach was doing that knot thing it did a week or so ago when I was close to him before. "I- would have said no." That's a lie.

"Okay." He lifted the covers off of him, he was still shirtless; he sat up and started to get out of bed. God, did I want him to stay?

"Wait... I... how bad is it outside?" I asked, trying to stall him from leaving.

"It's pretty bad. The snow has reached the porch. I radioed in and got someone on the other end. Told them we would be here if they sent any units to get us."  He stretched again and his back was towards me. I could see his muscles flex as he did.

My eyes traces the scars along his back. I wanted to reach out and touch them but that was a bad idea. It's like he could feel me staring so he turned his head to look at me.

I shivered... from the cold or maybe from his gaze. I wasn't sure.

"You still cold? I can fix that, you know?" He kept staring at me, his eyes locked on my face as if he was waiting for me to invite him back into bed.

Vexed - König x Fem Y/NKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat