She stops for a second. "Shh baby, you have to be quiet tonight okay."

I nod screwing my eyes shut, trying to keep my composure. She goes back to sucking and circling her tongue.

After a few minutes she stops and replaces her mouth with her fingers. Her thumb rubs circles around my clit causing a few whimpers to leave my lips.

Her fingers wander down to my hole, teasing the entrance. I raise my hips up trying to get her to push them in.

Lucky for me she doesn't tease anymore, and pushes two fingers in. She starts off slow and agonizing, so I move my hips to meet her.

She reaches up with her free hand to push my hips back down onto the bed, holding them there. I am reminded of how strong she is when I try to move again.

"What is it baby, do you want something?"


"What was that?" She teases.

"Will you go faster please?"

"Hmm begging again." She smirks before speeding up her fingers.

Now I am a panting mess trying to stay quiet. As much as I tried sometimes a loud moan would slip out.

My stomach starts to tighten letting me know how close I am.

"JJ I need you to cover my mouth with your hand." I say as serious as I can at the moment.

"I'm close, and I can't be quiet anymore."

JJ listens and uses her free hand to cover my mouth muffling my moans. She puts more pressure onto my clit with her thumb causing my orgasm to take over.

After I calm down, JJ pulls her fingers out. Then she moves up to my wrists to untie me.

Once I'm free she collapses onto my chest and I wrap my arms around her.

"Alcohol sleepiness kicking in?" I question.

She nods half asleep already.

I kiss her forehead and reach down best I can to pull the covers on us.

"Get some sleep pretty girl." I say before turning our bedside lamp off.


I wake up to find that JJ is already awake and not in bed. I rub my eyes before pulling the blanket off.

Immediately regretting my decision when the cold air hits my naked body. I stumble around the room to find all my clothes that were scattered in various places.

Once I'm dressed I leave our room to find JJ. As soon as I open the door I am greeted with an amazing smell. Is that pancakes?

I walk into the kitchen to find JJ making breakfast. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Morning babe." She smiles.

"You know I'm getting deja vu from the first time I ever stayed the night here."

She turns around now to look at me.

"I came in here you were making coffee, and I wrapped my arms around you just like I did a few seconds ago."

She smiles bigger this time. "I remember. You were making us late because you take so long to get ready." She giggles.

"Hey, I feel attacked right now." I fake feeling hurt.

She giggles again before going back to the pancakes, making sure they hadn't burnt.

"I'm going to go wake up our guests." I laugh before leaving the kitchen.

"Good luck." JJ yells as I walk away.

I reach the guest room giving it a loud and obnoxious knock before entering.

I bust through the door. "Good morning sleepy heads."

"Noooo." Penelope exclaims in protest. Emily grabs her pillow and puts it over her face.

"I come baring gifts, Advil and water." I say raising the glasses in the air.

I hand one glass to Pen as well as the medicine container.

"Emily don't make me pour this water on your head." I say because she still refuses to get up.

Emily just groans in response.

So I try another tactic. "JJ's making pancakes."

Suddenly the pillow falls to the floor. "Okay fine, I'm up."


We all sit down to eat our pancakes when Emily brings up the incident last night.

"So I guess you and JJ had a great rest of your night." Emily says while sipping on her coffee.

"What?" Pen questions.

"Oh, she's talking about how she doesn't know how to knock." I fire back.

"I'm still lost." Penelope answers.

"You're telling me you didn't hear them last night." Emily asks turning to Pen.

I go silent knowing what she heard was me. JJ practically spits coffee across the table trying not to laugh.

Here's that deja vu again. Emily hearing me, with JJ, from the next room. Sound a little familiar? The case where JJ and I first hooked up.

I roll my eyes. "Knock next time, got it?"

"Trust me, lesson learned." Emily raises her hands in surrender.

JJ and Penelope laugh, then we finish the rest of our breakfast.

What an eventful girl's night.


A/N: well I suppose I gave you what I promised 😂
Also, I've decided to do both an Emily x Reader and Arizona x Reader. I'll try to update them both equally as often!

My Protector [Jennifer Jareau x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ