Tour pt. 3

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With the moon still up high and the cheerful laughter around the amusement park, the two boys happily exited the park with a smile plastered on their faces. Both were holding prizes in their hands but that didn't bother them. They tried different booths, different rides and different food stalls. Levi loved every second of it. He will never forget how Eren gets scared easily. The brunette straight up screamed like a girl when a ghost popped up behind them. It's been a while since he last laughed so hard, the way Eren immediately cling onto his arm looks so hilarious. But he would admit that he let out a few curses at the said monsters.

Right now they were laughing their asses off at the memory. It was a chilly night and Eren knew that this weather will come. After their laughing fit the brunette stared at the raven with fond eyes. How Levi looked through the plastic bags full of prizes and food. How he scrunched his face up because it wasn't organised. How every little curse word will spill out of his mouth. He took in every detail. To him the raven looked majestic under the midnight sky. It made his pale skin glow and his raven dark hair shine beautifully. He knew that he was head over heels with this man and he knew that he is the one. All he have to do is to pull the right strings and not mess things up.

"Hey Levi." the said man turned his head with a raised eyebrow.

"I have one last thing I would like to show you." Eren held out his hand to the man beside him. Levi can't help but flush at the man but nonetheless grabbed the offering hand.

He was then led away from the crowded place and was met with the city lights glistening around him. Although the streets were still busy Levi can't help but feel at peace for a moment. Here with Eren was something he hasn't experienced before and he already loved it. Stopping at the red light, he took a quick glance at the brunette to see him doing the same. Levi cursed out silently and looked around to hide his forming blush, trying to act like he wasn't gonna stare at the boy. Once the sign turned green Eren tugged on their still locked hands and crossed the road.

The raven still have no idea where they are going. Usually he would get anxious wherever he go with Hanji or Erwin but with Eren, he felt relaxed and safe, even though they just met for a few days. Levi shook his thoughts away, embarrassed at his own thoughts.

"Here it is." the brunette suddenly announced.

The smaller man didn't notice they have arrived at their destination. Once he looked at the scene he let out a soft gasp. What was infront of him is a small but beautiful lake that was glistening below the moon's light. Fairy lights were hanging above a small pathway. Ducks and geese were swimming and padding away freely. The scene before him was magnificent, like in a fairy tale novel.

"Oh wow." he took a small step as he looked around at the place.

A big oak tree was beside the lake and the trunk was full of carved-out names. He walked closely to the tree and placed his hand on the wooden bark.

"Welcome to my favourite place." he heard Eren laughed behind him.

He can feel his mouth twitch up. He didn't know the man for that long yet he already felt he was falling deeply inlove with him. He's even shocked at his own thoughts.

"I'm honored to see this wonderful place." he chuckled while turning around.

He couldn't deny that he was blushing madly when he saw the brunette looking at him with fond eyes. The taller man's small genuine smile was beautiful and his eyes that shone over the lights made it look so unique. He stared at the brunette, completely dazed at the man's gorgeous features. He wondered how the hell can a person be this attractive. The guys he went out with can't outmatch this man infront of him. The man just look so perfect in his eyes, and he wondered what will happen if he met the brunette long before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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