My feelings for you

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This story may be inspired by my own personal view 👁️👅👁️<3

•9 years ago•

"Oh come on Levi dear. Its time to go back to school. You'll meet new friends! learn something new and you can tell mommy all your stories after you get home." Kuchel smiled at his son. The small ravenette looked up at his mother with unshed tears. He doesn't want to go back to school since he was considered as the freak. It broke Kuchel's heart when he sees his little boy being bullied, but she knew she has no choice since this was for her own child's future.

"But the kids don't like me there." Levi said while burying his face in his mother's chest. Letting out quiet sobs. Kuchel just sighed and raked her hand on Levi's hair. "Shh, I know their mean honey, but there are people who are good. All you need is to find the right one." Kuchel assured while placing kisses on the boys head. Levi have finally calmed down when his mothers words sinked into his head. 'All I need is a good friend' the boy smiled at the thought and hugged his mother tightly. "Ok mommy, I will make tons of friends!" he cheered. Kuchel only giggled at his son. Her own precious son who is still innocent from the world. "I know you will baby." the older raven cooed while placing a kiss on the younger raven's cheek, making him giggle. His fear not bothering him in this moment.


Levi didn't know what was going on until he fell backwards. Falling on the wall with a thud. "Hey look! it's the freak!" the blonde boy yelled, pointing at the helpless raven who was sniffling. "I thought we told you we don't want rodents like you here." the one who pushed him said with an angry tone. Levi was already crying at this point. The first day of school was what he expected, being pushed around by his bullies. "Ohh the little crybaby is already crying!" the boys laughed. "What are you gonna do? call your mama." the blonde boy spoke in a childish tone. Levi was helplessly crying, he knew the other kids won't help him since everyone in the third grade hated him. He didn't know why he was treated this way. They treated him like dirt, something you want to get rid of but couldn't sweep it off, no matter how hard you try. Yeah, he was the dirt that everyone wanted to get rid of but couldn't. Oh how he desperately want to punch the boys face but he couldn't. He doesn't want to upset his mother because of him getting expelled. So he'll just have to live this way until he get tired of it.

"Hey you!" he suddenly heard a yell coming at them. He slowly looked up to see a angry faced brunette. "What do you think you're doing!?" the boy yelled at the three bullies. "Isn't it obvious? were teaching this pesky rat a lesson." the black-haired boy spat out. His attention was now on the brunette. "That's stupid! you're bullying him for no reason!" the black-haired boy was starting to get annoyed. "Oi who said you could butt in on people's business huh?" "I would butt in on any people's business if they meant to hurt an innocent person." the brunette glared at them. Levi was astonished on how the boy stood up from them. Not a single fear was flashed through his eyes. It was only hatred. It was rare to see someone standing up for him. It made Levi feel something inside.

While the raven was staring at them shocked he didn't notice that the boy was now grabbing his bullies collar and clenching his fist. Without a second thought he stood up and stopped the boy from throwing a punch. His bully was staring at the brunette wide-eyed, fear evident in his eyes. "Stop it!" Levi cried out. The boy looked at him and then at the bully. When he looked back at Levi's pleading eyes he let go of the boys shirt with a scoff. The bullies then started to run off. Afraid that they might get beaten up by the brunette. Levi just stared at his bullies with a sorry look. He turned to the boy who was looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Why were they bullying you?" he questioned. Levi just looked down and played the hem of his uniform. The brunette just sighed and patted Levi's head. "Next time, try and stand up for your bullies ok? they'll never stop if you take all the insults they shoot at you." Levi hummed softly. The brunette started to ruffle the boys hair which made Levi a little uncomfortable. "I'm Eren by the way!" the brunette introduced himself. Levi slowly looked up to see the boy smiling brightly at him. Levi can't help but blush at the sight. The boy's smile was so..enticing. He shook his thoughts away and stood up straight. "I'm Levi." he spoke with a small smile. Eren just smiled brighter and held Levi's hand. "Well Levi! seems like the two of us are gonna be great friends!" Eren laughed and started to run towards the swings. Levi smiled widely when he heard 'friends' coming out of the brunette's mouth. He was happy that he finally has a friend and he hoped that they will stay like this forever.

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