Our Forest

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This is my first long chapter :D

Also TW: Slight Gore (ig)


Another shitty morning have come. The loud yelling downstairs was very clear even though I was in the second floor in the corner of the house. It wasn't suprising to hear my mother and uncle fight, it was just some useless things they fight over but it still hurts for an omega like me.

I sighed and slowly sat up in my bed, the cold wind seeping through the cracks of the old house. I just stared at nothing while the yelling was soon turned to the sound of hitting, I sat there motionless not caring if both of them are badly hurt. The hitting soon died down and all I heard was a slam of the front door, 'mom left to go to work again' I reminded myself while letting out a sad sigh.

I got up and arrange my bed -since I hate looking at it unorganised- then went to my small closet and picked up a large jacket that 'could' keep me warm at the cold winter sky today. I changed to some pants and a boot and packed some clothes for the night I will be staying at. I stopped packing when I heard footsteps coming through my door, I quickly hid my bag full of clothes underneath my bed so Kenny won't see it. When I got done putting it in a spot where he can't find it the door suddenly slammed open and I felt my body tremble when a strong scent had invaded my room. I slowly turned around to see my bitch of an uncle looking at me with rage.

"Oi where are the fire woods at you useless omega!" he spat in my face. I silently growled and lowered my head, showing him I was submitting.

"I was gonna go get some right no-" a hard punch was sent directly at my torso, I spat out saliva and slumped to the floor. With my head against the floorboard, Kenny pushed his boot at the back of my head with force that made my head pounding hard. I suppress a groaned when he kicked me at the side of my head. He suddenly grab a fistfull of my hair and made me look at him.

"Then go get some you filthy mutt." he slammed my head down the floor and walked away with a bottle of alcohol in hand. I growled and slowly sat up, I can feel blood trickling down my forehead but it wasn't something new. My omega inside me was whimpering through the dominating scent that was still lingering in the air but I ignored it and slowly walked to my medical equipment I hid. My torso was killing me, I knew that there would be a huge bruise in it.

Once I had the medical kit in my hands I gently treat my bleeding head and bandaged it up. I grabbed the kit and shoved it at my bag and slung it behind my shoulder. I was just gonna leave in a few days, they wouldn't care anyway.

I opened the window and the cold breeze passed through me making me shiver, but that wouldn't stop me to go through the woods. I closed my eyes, feeling the cool calming breeze pass through my face. I sighed in content and looked at the grey clouds that was presented in the sky. One day I will finally be free from this house, this house that I never felt like home. Many awful memories have made in this house since the day I was born so I promised myself that I would finally leave this hell hole and have a peaceful life.

I sighed contently at the thought and pulled myself together. I jumped down with ease and I shivered when my feet landed on the cold foam. I cursed silently, I forgot that my boot has disgusting holes. I clicked my tongue and forced myself to walk through the forest, away from that hellhole.

A couple of minutes of walking through the forest my body began to shiver since my clothes was not really thick for this weather but I didn't care. I was almost to my destination when suddenly I heard a growl. I stopped on my tracks and slowly turned around, hoping it's not what I think it is. I yelled out a scream when something was tackling me down the cold snow. I shut my eyes tightly, to scared to see who pinned me down to the ground. I can't move my arms to get the small pocket knife in my pants. It had a tight grip on me so I was silently praying that this creature would spare my life. But I was cut off of my prayers when it suddenly licked my scent gland, I gasped and pushed it with all my might. My scent gland was my sensitive spot so I always react quickly and get some strength back. I stared at the black lump who was shaking but then I realised it was trying to hold a laugh. I groaned when I realised that it was the annoying brat who always pick on me. He finally couldn't contain his laughter so he let it all out while holding his sides, I rolled my eyes and got to my feet. He was still laughing like a hyena while I just glared daggers at him.

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