"Oh, I do remember you. You're Spencer's girlfriend. How lovely to see you again." She hugged me. Penelope was clearly shocked by this reveal, but decided not to go into the details. She looked down at Spencer's body.

"Is this a friend of yours?" She asked, confused.

"No, Diana. This is Spencer." I lifted Spencer's wrist, showing her the star-shaped mark that Spencer had gotten when he was a kid. Her face dropped, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Oh, my baby. Oh, my baby. Oh, please." She cried, her right hand going to Spencer's shoulder and her left hand going to his chest.

"Mrs. Reid? The conservative approach would be surgery. It may reduce the swelling around Spencer's brain faster. There is risk. It could cause seizures and even more bleeding." The doctor informed. Penelope and I watched as Diana looked between the doctor and Spencer, clearly overwhelmed.

"I thought it was Tuesday, and it's not Tuesday. And so I can't tell you." Diana panicked, trying not to cry.

"Could we have a minute?" Penelope asked.

"Sure." The doctor nodded before leaving the room.

I remained seated, watching as Penelope smiled at Diana, who remained unsure of how to continue.

"What would he want? I don't want to make the decision." Diana refused, shaking her head.

"Diana, you know, one time Spencer told me that you, Cassidy and I are three of the smartest people he knows. I guess there's some study that shows that the heart and the stomach have like cells of consciousness, like a second brain. And I get it that your brain has done things to attack Spencer sometimes, but your heart and your guts have always known what's best for him. Am I right?" Penelope asked.

"Yes." Diana nodded.

"So we're just gonna use our brilliant insides to make a brilliant choice for Spencer right now, okay?" Penelope asked, holding Diana's hand. She nodded, starting to panic when Spencer started seizing again.

I jumped up and grabbed Diana's hand, watching as she clung onto my arm with fear in her eyes.

"Ohh! What's happening to my boy? What is happening to him?" She cried out, the Doctor coming back. I moved Diana and Penelope out of the room, the three of us trying to remain positive while the doctors tried to stabilise Spencer.

(2 Hours Later)

"Spencer. Spencer. Can you hear me? Hi." Diana looked down at her son, who was trying to open his eyes.

"That's a good sign." The doctor pointed to Spencer, a smile on her face.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked, Penelope holding my hand.

"He's putting up one hell of a fight. But it's still too early to know for sure. I need to keep him here for tests." The doctor smiled before leaving the room. Before we could get anything from Spencer, he closed his eyes again, falling back asleep.

"Has he been here before? In the hospital, like this?" Diana asked, looking at me and Penelope.

"Yes." Penelope and I nodded.

"Were you here for him?" Diana asked, Penelope nodding her head.

"Aw, how awful." Diana exhaled, letting a tear slip.

"It was, actually. And then there was the time Agent Hotchner was in the hospital. And Morgan's wife. And JJ earlier this year and...me. I've actually been in hospitals more times than I am caring to admit. Sometimes I think there's got to be a better way, you know. There's got to be a better place." Penelope exhaled.

"There is. There is for all of us. Spencer, I saw some cumuliform heaps today." Diana smiled before focusing on Spencer, who was still asleep.

"His favourite clouds. I plucked that for him. Everything is up there. And we pluck what we want when we want and we let go what we don't." Diana smiled, looking between me and Spencer.

"That sounds very good. Okay, I am plucking a memory about...Spencer's eyes, and they are brown with gold on the outside." I stood beside Penelope, who smiled at me.

"I think they're gold on the inside." Diana smirked.

"Gold on the inside." Penelope and I smiled, butterflies fluttering in my stomach as we tried to be positive.

"Gold on the inside. Hey, we were just plucking eye memories of you." Diana noticed that Spencer was waking up.

"I heard you. Forgot how much I loved those clouds, mom. You helped me remember." Spencer moved his hand, Diana holding it.

"I did, huh? Well, maybe I can come back tomorrow and we can watch clouds together." Diana smiled, tearing up.

"Am I alive, or is this heaven?" Spencer chuckled, trying to keep his eyes open.

"Sweetie, you are very much alive." Diana smiled before leaving the room.

Penelope and I sat with Spencer, Penelope respectfully telling the team that Spencer was okay. She let me know what the search for Everett was successful and that he was gone, for good.

"I think Penelope knows about us, by the way." I whispered to Spencer, who held my hand with a smile.

"I do know about you two and I'm happy to help keep it hush-hush until you two are ready." Penelope smiled.

"Hey, Garcia, is that my bag with my belongings?" Spencer asked as he pointed to the clear plastic bag on the bench nearby.

"Yes. Do you want it?" Penelope asked, Spencer nodding. Handing the bag to him, I watched as Spencer rummaged through the pockets of his shirt and pants, eventually smiling when he pulled out a small velvet bag. He looked at me with a smile.

"Spencer, what's this?" I asked as he handed the bag to me, nodding. I opened it, confused.

"That - inside the bag - is the key to our new apartment." Spencer revealed.

"Wait, what?" I stopped, leaning back. The key rested in my palm as I stared at it in disbelief.

"We talked about it a few months ago and I think it's time for us to live together. As long as you want to of course. We've been together for a year and I love you so much, Cassidy." Spencer finally said it. I smiled, feeling my heart race.

"I love you too, Spencer." I smiled, placing a kiss on his lips.

"Aww!" Penelope smiled as she quietly clapped.

"Before you say anything, the apartment is only 10 minutes from work." Spencer smiled, holding my free hand.

"Spencer, I think it's time that we tell the team. We've been together for a year and they deserve to know." I announced, Spencer nodding in agreement. We both smiled when Penelope looked visibly excited.

The Boss' Niece (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now