Chapter 5: The Runaway

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Switzerland's POV

So, while trying to cure Germany's bullet wounds, I figured that I should take him to the hospital where I work because I am a medic, not a surgeon, and thus, I do not have the expertise to remove a bullet from a body. And besides, I need to go back to the hospital to work.

'Polen, I think I will have to take Germany to the hospital with me.' I say.

'Why?' she questions.

'I do not have enough experience  to fix his bullet wounds.' I reply.

'Alright, but can I come to?' she asks.

'I guess so' I say.

Before leaving, I tell America to keep making Russia inhale chloroform. Then, I and Polen leave the bunker, with me carrying Germany's unconscious body to his car. Of course.

'Are you sure he will make it?' Polen asks as I start up Germany's car.

'I am sure. He is still breathing and is not bleeding out. Plus, you saw how he just did not care about a knife in his back. Honestly, I think that he is superhuman.'  I say. I wanted to make it sound as comforting as possible because Polen did not sleep at night at all, probably thinking about Germany.

Russia's POV

I wake up in darkness. I try to wake up but bang my head on what felt like wood. I then adjust my vision and realise that I was under a bed. I crawl out to see the room that I last remembered being in. However, this time, there was blood on the sheets. Next to the nightstand, there were my weapons. The gun, hammer, flamethrower. I grab the gun and notice that it was still loaded. Same with the flamethrower. Is America really that much of a dork?

'HEY!' I turn around to see America, in his pyjamas.

I grab the gun and fire all the bullets left in it all over his body. After I was sure America was dead, I burn his body with the flamethrower.

I search around the bunker for everything that they had taken from me, and after that, I leave the bunker, feeling the most alive I had felt since birth. I wanted more blood, needed more blood, desperately.

Germany's POV

I wake up on a hospital bed. I look around to see a couple of doctors, one of them being Schweiz, and on next to me I see Polen.

'You're awake!' she exclaims while hugging me.

I hug her back, it made me happy.

I wake up to see bandages around my stomach and waist.

'W-what happened to me' I ask.

'That b*tch Rosja shot you with his gun. Luckily, Switzerland saved you.'

Polen stops hugging me and I sit up.

'So, can I leave?' I ask Switzerland.

'Yes. Go ahead' she responds.

'What happened to Russland?' I ask Polen.

'America took care of him. Knocked him unconscious. Right now he is on Chloroform.' she responds.

'Good. Let's go. Schweiz, can you come?'

'No, I have to work.' she replies.

'Okay then. Let's go, Polen' I say.

        TIMESKIP TO THE CAR bought to you by me (I am running out of people to put here).

I enter the car, with Polen, and start it up, beginning the long drive from the hospital to the bunker. During the drive, Polen talks about what happened in the bunker while I was gone.

'Do you think we can leave the bunker now?' Polen asks.

'Yes. After turning Russia in to the authorities.' I respond.

'I can't wait to get back to living normally.' she says.

'Yes, Polen. Truly' I respond, before she goes back to talking about how she could not sleep at night because of nervousness.

      TIMESKIP TO THE BUNKER also bought to you by me.

I open the bunker with father's glasses, and tell Polen to go down first because I needed to unload the car.

As I take out a med kit, I hear a scream and a thud.

'Polen?' I say, loudly.

'POLEN!' I shout.

I quickly go down with the med kit to see an unconscious Polen and a horribly burnt body.

I feel a bit faint. I quickly check the room where Polen said Russia was to see absoleutely nothing. The room was empty. Russia escaped. Again. And this time, he had taken a life.

I go the the burnt body, and flip it to the side which was not burnt. I then peer under the pyjamas that the body was wearing and see red and white striped. I turn white.

Russia had killed America.

This was devastating, because America was a very important member of the UN and basically the leader of NATO. Who would have these important jobs now?

I grab my cellphone from my pocket, and phone the police.

AND THAT IS THE END OF THIS CHAPTER! Its kind of short but pretty eventful. America's now gone, so that's sad. Time to lose 16% of my audience : (

(btw I don't hate Americans)

Thank you's:

MrGyozaDip for commenting even more.

Dragon62710 for following me.

-Little-Bookworm- for commenting even more.

I am sorry for not updating this book in a while, I was on a trip.

That's it. Thank you for reading and have a great day.

Words: 824

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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