Chapter 2: Bearer of Bad News

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Poland's POV

The past couple days have been quite eventful for me. I had asked Germany out with a cheesy confession and help from Hungary, and he said yes! A few days later, I began to move in with Germany into his house, and I am still not finished yet.

Currently, we were watching a Polish cooking show with German subtitles so that Germany could understand. I wanted to share some of my culture with him. The current segment was about pierogies.

'Yes, My favourite dish!' I exclaim with joy.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

'I'll get it' Germany said and walked over to the front door.

Germany's POV

Who would come to the house at 10 in the night? I was annoyed, but curious about who could be at the door. I open the main door and see Slovakia, Czechia and Hungary, Poland's siblings, at the door.

'Why are you three here?' I ask

'Can we stay here for the night please?' asked Hungary

'May I ask why?'

'Power at the orphanage went out, and besides, we wanted to spend time with Polska' replied Czechia.

'Okay, sure. Come in' I say and move out the door to give them space to enter.

'POLSKA!' shouted Hungary in joy and leaped over to her to give her a hug.

'I really missed you' said Hungary.

'Really? It has only been a week since I left the orphanage.' said Poland

'Anyways, where do we sleep? Where do you both sleep?' asked Slovakia

'You three can sleep in the guest room upstairs. Me and Polen sleep in the room next to the guest room' I replied.

'Wait, You both sleep together?' asked Hungary with a smirk

'Yeah, what is wrong with that?' I asked, clearly knowing exactly what he was thinking

'Never mind. I just don't want to wake up to strange sounds coming from your room.'

'Really Węgry? I'm pretty sure none of us want to deal with your dirty mind.' said Polen.

Hungary just giggles.

'So yeah, let's just go back to watching TV.' I say. 

'Yeah' everyone agreed.

                    ~TIMESKIP TO 3AM bought to you by GabrielaRogosz~

Third Person POV

It is 3:01 in the morning. Everyone is asleep. Outside the front door, a tired, weeping America jogs towards Germany's house and rings the doorbell.

Poland's POV

I wake up to the sound of the doorbell, annoyed. Who could be at the door at this time? I slowly crawl out of bed, avoiding waking up Germany, and make my way downstairs and open the front door. It is America. Sad and Weeping America. I do not think that I have seen him in such a state before, in my three years of knowing him.

'What happened' I ask with concern in my voice.

'I-I pla-ayed a pr-r-rank o-on Rus a-and'.

'And what?' my concern was growing, since America had never stuttered before.

'he went mentally insane and began chasing me with a knife.' He said in a single breath.

'What?' I ask, bewildered.

'I put a ch-chemical in his v-vod-k-ka. It was only supposed to taste bad, not turn him into a madman.' he said

'America, is that why you stole Germany's experimental chemical?' I asked, trying to stay calm.

'Firstly, I borrowed it, I did not steal it, Secondly, he only said that it tasted bad, not turn people into unforgiving, berserk, murderous monsters!' he said, trying to defend himself.

'Alright. Do you know where he is right now?' I asked

'I hit him on the head with a hammer, and he went unconscious. Then I left the house and locked it from outside, and ran here, without my truck.' He said, in one huge breath.

'Alright. We should be fine for now. Till then, you can come inside and sleep on the couch.'

'Awww, why can I not sleep in a room on a bed?' he whined

'Because my brothers are here and they are sleeping in the guest room. And me and Germany sleep together in the main bedroom.' I reply

'Wait, you both sleep together? Are you both still virg-' I cut him off

'Shut up and go sleep on the couch' I shout at him

'Okay, okay fine, you do not have to shout' he says and lies down on the couch.

I go back upstairs and see Germany awake.

'What happened downstairs?' he asked curiously.

I explain everything that America had told me.

'Well, if he is unconscious, we should have enough time to cure him tomorrow, after your brothers leave.'

'Okay, goodnight.' I say.

I peck him on the cheek before falling into sleep.


Russia's POV

I awaken to sharp pain in my head. I try to remember everything that had happened. Oh, yes. America had hit me on the head with a hammer. 

I remember cutting his arm. It was fun. It had bought me true joy for the first time in years. I felt.... alive. I want to cause more harm, torture, and maybe even kill innocent people. It made me feel alive.

So, I get up from the floor and look around. There was a tiny amount blood on the stairs and floor. Looking at it made me feel joy. I go to America's room since I knew he had weapons like guns and better melee. I search around his closet and bed, and Aha! Here it is. It is the AK-47 that he stole from me all those years ago. I still have not forgiven him for it. I also find many other things, like an ENTIRE BAG-PACK full of ammo for the AK-47, a bullet-proof vest, and an flamethrower, and a bunch of gasoline to fuel it. I put on the bullet-proof vest, load up the AK-47,  and fill up the flamethrower with the gasoline. Then, I pick up the backpack with the ammo, and put the gasoline can in it. I zip it close and go downstairs, to the main door. I try to open it, but nothing happens. Sh*t. America was smart enough to lock the door from outside. I have to give it to him, but he is not as smart as me.

I pull out the flamethrower, and blast it all over the door, and wait till it burns down. When I see a hole that I can get through, I set it out with some tap-water from the kitchen. I then crawl through, and then blast the flames from the flamethrower all over America's house. I do not care if it is arson.

I then follow a trail of dry blood, which I think lead to Germany and Poland's house. America probably went there. And while I am at it, I might as well rip apart a couple, since it would be fun.

And, that is the end of the Second Chapter. I really enjoyed writing this one.

Really big thanks to GabrielaRogosz for commenting and voting. I did not think I would get a vote or a comment this early into the book.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a great day.

The next chapter will be out next week.

Words: 1130

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