Chapter 4: One step ahead

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Russia's POV

So, Germany thinks that he has escaped me for good, but little does he know that I am always one step ahead.

I know exactly where he went. The only place he could have gone that he would have been familiar with is his father's WW2 bunker. He also thinks that to enter, you need to have his father's glasses. Well, that is incorrect. You can open the bunker with the glasses of any major WW2 ally of Germany's father. I know this because my father would send spies to the Third Reich, and would tell me a lot of the things that the spies would discover. So, if I get Fascist Italy's glasses or Imperial Japan's glasses, I can break into the bunker, and slaughter them all. I should probably get Fascist Italy's glasses, because he committed fewer warcrimes. 

I keep all my guns and ammunition in a bush in front of Germany's house and left to Italy's.

   Timeskip to Italy's house bought to you by -Little-Bookworm- (still Russia's POV)

'So, what do you want?' asked Italy

'Can I have you dad's glasses please?' I asked

'Why? Why do you specifically need his glasses?'

'I uhhh.. I need them for my collection.' I responded 

'But you can't keep them forever! Dad is pretty much blind without his glasses!'

'It's just for a day.'

'You know what? Fine. I'll ask him.' Italy said, and went to his father's room.

Russia waited patiently for Italy to be back. He could hear arguments and shouting in Italian upstairs. He was used to the sound of arguing, it was just that it was in Russian.

 After five minutes, Italy was back, with the glasses.

'Here. He said you can have them, but just for a day. Do not break them.' said Italy, handing me the glasses.

'Thanks Italy, I will make sure to give them back.' I said.

Then, I go the Italy's kitchen.

'Russia, why are you in my kitchen?'

I grab a knife

'Russia, why are you taking my knife?'

I then chase him, like I did with America, and because Italy is not as tall as America, I easily catch up with him, and stab him in the eye.

'RUSSIA F*CK YOU' he said. Those were his last words. 

'ITALIA WHAT HELL HAPPENED' it was Fascist Italy, with a GUN?

He begins to try to shoot me, but misses all of his shots, because he did not have his glasses.

So, I just walk up to him and stab his chest. Easy.

Fascist Italy's last words were 'Che cazzo'.

Then, I take Italy's car keys from his pocket, leave his house, enter his car, and start to drive to Germany's house to take my weapons, and then I will be at the bunker.

        Timeskip to the bunker bought to you by Nerdy_Fencing_Girl

I arrive at the seemingly normal grass pitch where the bunker is. I put on Fascist Italy's glasses, and see a cross clearly etched out on a bit of grass. I got there, graze my finger over it, and see it magically open up.

Discreetly, I slide down.

Poland's POV

I was just walking around, doing nothing. What do you do when you are locked in a bunker? Sit Down? I guess. I take a seat on a brown, stained cushion. It made creaking noises. I estimated the cushion to be at least 10 years old. Why did Germany buy such an old bunker? 

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