Chishiya X Smiley!reader

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Plot: the game beauty contest, except it's 2 survivors for the plot (lol) you showed that you were care free this game and somebody notices this, gains interest about your lack of interest

Warning : disturbing deaths! Acid! Gorey sights

Enjoy <3


Joining a game, unaware of what you had in store for you, future you would have warned you to go to a different face card game, after being traumatized by these deaths of the game, however you did meet somebody there in the game, that maybe future wouldn't warn about.

King of diamonds.

Sitting in a room, with a few other players, you spot the king right away, staring at him, only glancing at the others, awaiting the rules.

The tv ai starts speaking, explaining everything, you were clever enough to get a some what understanding of this, it's about math, and that's really all, you weren't gonna over think it, but the others were, as they seem stress of confusions, the game finally ends it's rules and says.

"Only 2 players can survive," it says, everybody whispered,

The game has finally started.

You leaned back a bit, who ever is closet to the mean of the whole thing wins, we'll sort of, but it's divided by 0.8 instead of the total number answers, which is the total number of players, 0.8, isn't that a drop?
Everybody starts talking, you stay quiet.

Round one start.

You took around, not stressing to much about what you pick, you wait a bit, watching the others hands, you wait for the last person to pick which is the blonde man, and you finally decide to pick yours, but you pick a answer you were sure that wouldn't be right, the screen plays for everybody.

"Winner: Kuzuryu," says the ai, a point gets added to his, you scoff, of course the king is clever, it is a diamonds, you see a lot of the players in deep thought, everybody needs to calm down.

"Ah I see, you just need to predict your opponents moves and be a few steps ahead, hmmm... this feels like a heart more than a diamond," says a player, you laugh a bit, she turns to you "what? We're reading each other," she says you look to her.

"Never said we weren't," you smile, not rudely or mockingly, just a smile, but clearly she didn't like it she scoffs in annoyance, you don't want her to dislike you, but if you were her you'd probably be annoyed if somebody said that too, you look down and stay quiet for a moment, listening to the other man talk.

"Wether you play poker or chess, in a intellectual game, you have to read your opponent, not reading their minds, but predicting their reasoning, wouldn't you say? Huh? King?" He says, trying to get the kings attention, you also want to see if he'd agree, you look to the king, but he ignores him.

"Wow," you say.

"There reasoning?" Says the woman with the orange cardigan.

"You ignoring?" Scoffs the blonde, you smirk in amusement, stopping to look up when you hear a weird sound, like a tap running water into a bowl.

"What's that? Water?" Asks, you also wanted to know.

"That is sulfuric acid," says the king.


"Oh so you'll answer him.." says the guy, you scoff.

"Acid? Wow what a way to go," you say looking up as the scale tilts toward the players that got it wrong.

"If someone reaches negative ten points, the scales will tip," wow thanks captain obvious.

The others talk.

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