Chapter 20

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Hermione Granger was disappointed their day ended so quick, but Harry being uncomfortable wasn't something she wanted either.

With it being a warm and sunny day, Harry agreed to go outside with Hermione who convinced him to put on a short sleeve shirt. It shown the still healing mark's, but Harry was in his own home, feeling safe for once. Hermione made this big picnic and the children ran around outside on that Sunday day after the water hose got brought out.
Narcissa and Lucius kept close to the group of children, leaving the four of them sitting a bit away from them, having their small picnic. Ron lend back against the tree, with Hermione half on him, resting against him. Harry's feet wiggled up on her lap after some time, but Harry was resting about Draco, who had a phone in his hand. He'd been texting his friends. He had a few. "Your friend can come over, you know? I can touch up on my Spanish." Harry said. "Eh, no. He's just out of school and is trying to get me to come there for the summer week thing, but that's...not my kind of seen." Draco said. "You lived there, didn't you?" Hermione asked. "I did, but I kept to myself a lot of the time. He's just...a bit lonely I guess, I don't know." Draco said, with a shake of his shoulder. "We could always travel too? If it's far enough in advance." Hermione said. "Really it's fine." Draco said, turning his attention back to the text message.

Harry fell asleep about an hour later. He felt exhausted, and being 21 weeks pregnant will, and did, do that to the mentally weaken young man who Draco slowly eased down on the blanket that sat on. Harry mumbled something that nobody else understood, but kept asleep and his sleep went deep. Ron knew to get up with the rest of them did, leaving Harry asleep on the blanket. Draco walked over to his parents, who still sat watching the children, having a light conversation with one another. Rose? Was asleep against Lucius, after she made herself exhausted, trying to keep up with Randy. He just got to his feet and handed over the toddler, not wanting to cause a problem, and he went to grab some water for the children.
Rose? Made a fussy noise as Hermione put her on her hip. "Let's get you into bed, sweet girl." Hermione said and she frowned. "Rose was comforty!" She fussed at her mama who let out a sigh, but the pair started to walk back into the house. "I know, sweetie, but he had something to do." Hermione said softly, but Rose whined and tried to wiggle down. "Just put her down. If she doesn't nap she'll just be fussy. He'll, at some point, will lay her down." Ron said and after a pause, Hermione sat Rose on her feet.
When the couple didn't come for Rose and she started to get fussy for Lucius, he carried her to the room made for her. Rose was tucked into bed for a nap and was asleep after a few pages of her story, the children being called into the house. The heat of the day was starting and the children shouldn't get to hot.

Draco hated to wake Harry, but Harry welcomed the snuggle he got when Draco pulled him to his feet. Harry tucked his head under Draco's chin who locked his arms around the thinner and weaker man, only because he spent so much time being abused by so many people. "I love you, Harry. How's our baby?" Draco asked. "Well, but daddy is exhausted." Harry half whined. He wanted to be back asleep. Draco kissed his head. "Why don't I get you tucked into bed?" Draco asked. "Yeah, bed sounds nice." Harry said, but didn't move. He was comfortable and safe. "Come on, little boy. Let's get you tucked into bed." Draco said.
Draco placed a light kiss on Harry's lips, as he pulled the blanket up over Harry who had used his body pillow to get comfortable in his bed. "I'm going to check on the children and then come and check on you, okay?" Draco asked. "Rather...You stay with me, daddy." Harry whispered, a little shyly. It had been a long time, since they been together like that. Let alone, Harry called Draco, daddy. "Does little boy want some attention?" Draco asked. "I close, please." Harry said.
Draco climbed behind Harry in the bed, and locked his arms around Harry, to pull Harry's backside to his chest. Harry locked his hand with Draco's who slowly brought their hands to Harry's belly. "... Daddy..." Harry half frowned. "Our little baby wants attention to." Draco said softly in his ear,giving Harry a kiss. "Untuck your shirt, little boy." Draco said. "That's different...Draco." Harry said, trying to move his hand, but Draco just held onto his hand tighter. "No, it isn't. I'm going to take care of you, and our kids. You just need to listen to daddy and pull your shirt up." Draco said. Slowly Harry pulled up his shirt, exposing his 21 weeks grown belly and Draco locked their hands together on Harry's belly. "You, just worry about taking care of yourself. Let me take care of everything else, you are mine and the children are mine." Draco said. "Yes... Daddy." Harry replied back, and the pair relaxed into bed. Draco keeping with Harry, who went back to sleep for his nap. It wouldn't be long for Draco to fall asleep to. He didn't want to move. He wanted to keep Harry sleeping, who seemed to be peaceful, and Draco didn't want to wake him up, because Harry needed his sleep. Harry would just get fussy and that is something Draco didn't want. Draco just hoped he could repair what happened, and take care of Harry and the children.

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