Chapter Five

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"Come on boys!" Harry yelled through the manor. He had another book signing, this time in Muffle London, and he always brought his sons. Teddy grabbed his back pack and Randy held the new iPad Draco had bought for him. "Victoria wants to come, daddy." Randy said. "Victoria! Get your things together then!" Harry yelled, fixing the sleeves on his shirt. It covered the still healing marks on his wrists and bruised that were still healing, before he grabbed his belt. A belt that was even to big to clip around his waist without a spell being said to make it smaller. "Narcissa notices you haven't been eating a lot." Lucius said. "Because I haven't been hungry. My bloody deadline is at the end of the month and I'm two chapters short." Harry said, grabbing his laptop bag. "The kids can be watched to give you some space, Potter." Lucius said. "The boys aren't the problem." Harry said, putting his bag over his shoulder as Victoria hurried down the stairs. "Draco's Spanish friend is coming over." Victoria said. "I'm aware of his friend coming over. Should be fine." Lucius said.

Harry took off with the three kids to a book store in a large town in muggle London. That soon got packed with a lot of people. Victoria stood by Harry. "Can I get a peek?" She asked between Harry signing a book. "Once we get back home, I'll email your mama the frist chapter or two." Harry said softly. "I know it really isn't my business, but why won't you talk to Draco...about more then us?" Victoria asked. "It's not your business, Victoria. I realize your stuck on the middle, and I'm sorry for that, but what's going on between me and Draco isn't something a seven year old can help with. You just worry about school." Harry said. "school is almost over, Harry. I just... neither one of you two  are happy." Victoria said. "Look, Victoria. It's not simple. I'm not simple and neither is he. So stop butting in kid." Harry said and she let out a sigh.

It was late that night and Harry was sitting at his laptop. Draco's friend was over, but crash out a couple hours ago. Draco was someplace else in the house but Harry could hear Narcissa and Lucius taking, assuming Harry was already out for that night. "I'm almost certain you can't. He's in his twenties." Lucius said. "I'm certain I can try. They both need somebody somewhat guiding them, even if I don't understand the medicines. I've made a lot of calls, Lucius. The marks went back two years, at least. They are still just kids." Narcissa said. "They aren't children, Nass, but they could probably used some guidance, but you know you have to be careful about it. They both could get upset and fight you on it." Lucius said. "I'm aware. It's not the first time you know, Lucius." Narcissa said.

Harry let out a sigh. He didn't want to be treated like a child, but maybe it would take some of the stress off. He was still very fearful and wasn't sure how much longer he was going to be able to hide what he hoped would go away, but something od that matter doesn't go away. An unwanted pregnancy, by a man he hated or didn't even know. He was too good a person though, he would raise his child. He just hoped maybe he could talk somebody into being the child's other parent. Draco already agreed to be Teddy's on paper too, he couldn't ask him to do it on a Third child. He just couldn't.

Harry got a little work done on his book, before he shut his laptop and went to check on his boys. Randy was asleep in his new room, nuzzled in his blankets. He nightlight on. Harry walked in and kissed his forehead. Randy yawned. "Daddy?" He mumbled. "Hi, buddy. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Harry said softly. "Snuggle." He fussed. Harry smiled, climbing in the small bed with the small boy. Randy nuzzled to his chest and Harry locked his arms around the toddler, almost big boy, and was fast to go to sleep.

Harry was handed a card the next morning, looking down at it. "I heard you guys talking last night." Harry said softly. "I know you might not understand-" Narcissa started. "No, I get where you are coming form. I do. However, you don't understand the position I'm in." Harry said but she eased to sit down next to him. "I sent a report of what I could find to St. Mungo's, Harry's. I'm aware of what you might not be ready to face. No, I haven't shared that news with anybody other then the healer I spoke to. Who, recommends you come speak to him soon, but understands how that might not come so easily." Narcissa said and Harry let out a sigh. "I feel like I should just disappear. Seems like it would solve a lot of problems." Harry said and she shook her head. "No, dear. Even if not for anybody else, other then your sons. Teddy already lost his frist parents, he won't handle losing you too. Randy? Doesn't need to loose you either. He needs you both, even if he is being raised separately." Narcissa said and Harry let out a sigh, but pulled out his wallet and tucked the appointment card in it. "I'll go, okay? No promises it's really going to help." Harry said. "Its going to take time, and within a week I can finish getting you set up in the house. I can only use so much magic." Narcissa said. "I rather just go back to where you found me. It's literally like three houses in one." Harry said. "I'm...sure I can get that worked out, you'd have to give me a few days to get that cleared, okay?" Narcissa asked and Harry noded.

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