Chapter Three

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"See if she'll take both those boys." He said. "I'm not loosing my kids." Harry said softly. "He isn't going to take your children. He is going to take them this weekend, make her take them both, Harry. Your little ass is mine this weekend." He spoke. "I can keep them busy, without risking him wanting to fight me for my son. Randy and Teddy are my kids." Harry said, getting his arm gripped, very tightly. "I didn't fucking ask. You had that boy. The most he can get is fourty percent. He can't even get the multiple coloured hair boy. Send him the children, now." He spoke. 

"I thought you were going to talk to him? Not returned with both the children." Lucius said. "That wasn't the plan." Narcissa said. "Richard doesn't like us." Teddy said, getting hugged by his little brother, Draco's and Harry's son. Harry explain to him that he was going to be staying the weekend with his Pappy, but he didn't know these people and was being really shy. "Richard is?" Lucius asked. "His boyfriend of the last couple of years. Moved in a few months ago." Teddy said. "Come on." Narcissa said.

Draco heard the tiny knock on the door and raised an eyebrow, but got off the bed and opened it. He looked down to see that same boy form the book store. "What...are you doing here?" Draco asked. "Daddy...said I was staying here this weekend. Teddy....said I should to you." He said shyly. "Oh, Well...Come inside." Draco said.

The two boys were asleep and Narcissa asked Draco to join him for some late tea. "You should try and talk to Potter sometimes." Narcissa said. "He doesn't want to talk to me." Draco said. "I don't know about that. That boyfriend of his? Is a bit scary." She said and Draco raised an eyebrow. "I don't understand." Draco said. "She thinks he's being abused." Lucius said. "Against a muggle man? I doubt that." Draco said and she let out a sigh. "I just think maybe you should try and talk to him." Narcissa said. "I lost any chance I had with him, when I left him and Loudon. The only conversations we will have will be about Randy and Teddy." Draco said, getting up. He was done with this conversation.

Harry stood in the shower that Saturday night. It has been two days of hell and a night of hell. Richard didn't have to worry about the boys knocking on the door wanting Harry. Richard didn't have to worry about Teddy asking questions about the men coming over and disappearing into the bedroom with Harry. Men were paying Richard to 'use' Harry. Harry was a small and meek young adult, good to rag doll. They would spend good money for just an hour with Harry. Harry was covered in bruises and rope burns around his wrists he most struggled to hide around the house. He wouldn't let his boys know what happened. He knew people would ask, why doesn't he just pull out his wand? Even with a muggle man, he was to afaird to do anything against the man. He wand was often put up, he used it to travel, only. Harry stood sobbing in the shower and the night wasn't yet over. He wasn't even going to be able to pick up his boys until later Sunday. He didn't know how he was suppose to make it through the next several hours.

Harry was pulled out the shower. "Shut up. I'm not loosing my money because you feel some kind of way." Richard said. "You-" Harry started, but got his face gripped. "Say another word and I'll lock you in the crate all night. All you have to do is behave!" Richard hissed and Shoved Harry out the bathroom.

That night and Sunday morning continue Harry's weekend of hell. "Here." Richard said, holding out some cash. "I don't need your blood money. No matter what you do, you won't touch mine." Harry bitched out, putting on his long sleeve shirt. It has a thumb whole in it, so he was able to slip his thumb in it and it cover up a part of both his hands. Harry put on his jeans and fasten his belt before he went to find his shoes, but got his shoulder grab. "You just keep your mouth shut, Harry." Richard said, Harry just shoved his hand off his shoulder and found his shoes. Harry sat at his computer desk to put his shoes on, getting watched closely by the man in the room. "What more do you possibly want from me?" Harry asked. "I got my fill. Take your boys out somewhere." He said. "Not for a couple days, Jackass." Harry said hearing a huff. "Whatever. Just pick them up and come home. I don't want you talking to him." Richard said. "I have to talk to him, we have a son together." Harry said. "Then I'm going with you." Richard said. "I dont think so." Harry said. "I didn't ask. I'm going with you." Richard said.

Harry sent a message to Draco, asking if the fire place was still set up, it was. So the two of them travel by floo powered to the Malfoy Manor. Neither Narcissa nor Lucius was happy to see the man with Harry. "The boys are upstairs, Harry." Narcissa said, and Harry just nodded and went to find his boys upstairs. The second the man turned to follow, Narcissa hit him with a knock out spell, casting the man to crumble to the Harry. Harry thought to turn around, but just stopped walking. "'ll get me killed if you aren't careful." Harry said quietly. "The manor is big enough. You can stay and still keep to yourself if that's what you want to do." Lucius said. "I can't in all good concussion, let you leave until your safe." Narcissa said.

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